JC ENG 131 - Syllabus

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Eng 131 01 Writing Experience Martha Petry Instructor Fall 2007 3 Credits MW 8 9 27 am WA 122 Office Hours BW 241 T 9 12 W 1 4 R 1 3 and by appointment Mailbox L L and A Dept Office 2nd floor Walker Hall JCC Phone Number 517 796 8530 E Mail Address Martha Petry jccmi edu Course Materials Our text for this class is Writing A Guide for College and Beyond by Lester Faigley Computer Software Word processing tools i e dictionaries spell checkers thesaurus as well as Internet access for research purposes are available in this computer learning studio For Information about workshops go to JCC homepage Click on Academics Departments Language Literature and Arts then Workshop Information Most importantly we ll use our writing yours and mine You ll need two folders 1 to keep your in class writings drafts and revisions in and 2 for your Writer s Journal Reflective Notebook of Writing Experiences outside of Class In midNovember you will need to purchase a new two pocket folder in which to place your essays for the department Portfolio You will also need one or two 3 5 HD disks or a flash drive Course Description The primary business of this class is to improve your writing skills We write rewrite think about writing read about writing and find various uses for writing This means we will think critically examine words language communication and meaning Language forms who you are and how you function in and view the world By writing and sharing your writing you may discover and or reveal things about yourself to others This process can be intimidating and sometimes frightening It can also be rewarding and sometimes exciting Risk taking is part of the process of improving your writing and of learning The classroom environment the small community of writers that we as a class create will help support you in your efforts to become a better writer You must willingly help and support others in return Each class period we discuss a topic analyze a reading assignment or talk about strategies and methods used in written communication We also explore ways to stimulate ideas develop and organize ideas edit respond to peer writing and eliminate common grammatical errors We practice various kinds of writing in class and you will have time for your own writing most sessions The atmosphere is loosely structured and informal allowing you to progress at your own individual pace This allows me to observe you in the writing process and offer suggestions or help you with specific problems Associate Degree Outcomes The Board of Trustees has determined that all JCC graduates should develop or enhance certain essential skills while enrolled in the college Several of these Associate Degree Outcomes are addressed in this class including writing clearly concisely and intelligibly and working productively with others recognizing individual contributions to group success Writing Skills that we will work on together include Process using pre writing drafting revising editing Purpose and Audience understanding how purpose and audience influence style and tone Organization and Development using effective organizational structure examples and details to support ideas and content Meaning Understanding researching and writing for further understanding and knowledge Use of Sources Documentation demonstrating appropriate documentation Language attempts and practices correct grammar and mechanics Team Work Skills that we will work on together include Participating contributing fully to group work Making Collective Decisions establishing procedures for consensus Supporting Team Members respecting individual contributions Evaluating reflecting on group processes and outcomes Your Responsibilities Your primary task is to improve your own writing skills This means that you must practice experiment discover and create your various voices learn to understand how you write the process determine your strengths and weaknesses as a writer and learn how to overcome problem areas I expect you to prepare for the class read the text and other assigned readings hand in daily work and drafts on time share your writing with others respond to your classmates writing actively participate in class work with me individually and most importantly write and revise both in and out of class My Responsibilities I will do everything I can to assist you in your task I ll read and respond to as much of your writing rewriting editing and to as many of your ideas that I possibly can I will introduce concepts that may help you become a better writer lead class discussions form peer groups share readings and writings help you individually and encourage you We ll use class time to talk about and explore strategies for successful writing We ll also discuss each other s writings and use class time to draft and revise Sometimes we ll break into pairs or small groups for sharing and responding to each other s writing Sometimes I ll informally lecture a way to see where we re going as a group and where we ve been We ll use course materials to spark writing ideas and topics Grading Your final grade for Eng 131 will be determined by totaling these grades Completion of drafts and revisions daily writing class assignments participation and attendance 50 Portfolio 35 Writer s Reflective Notebook of Writing Experiences outside of Class 15 A 2 0 or C is a passing grade Only courses with passing grades count toward graduation Other colleges transfer in only courses with passing grades Many financial aid sources including most employers require passing grades Additionally earning less than a 2 0 in a class results in being unable to participate in the next level of courses in a discipline that requires this course as a pre requisite Academic Honesty Honesty is expected of all students It is the ethical behavior that includes producing your own work and not representing others work as your own either by plagiarism by cheating or by helping others to do so See this policy in the Student Handbook This honestly translates into doing your own work correctly citing your sources and above all not falsely representing someone else s work as your own There is a zero tolerance for plagiarism The penalty can be a failing grade in the course Completion of Drafts and Revisions Daily Writing and Class Assignments and Participation 50 Each daily writing and class activity is due the day it is assigned unless I extend the time and assign it as homework The daily assignments and activities

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JC ENG 131 - Syllabus

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