BIOL 1107 1nd Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I DNA Synthesis Outline of Current Lecture I Genotype and Phenotype a Dominance b Alleles II Codons III Mutations a Point mutation Missense Silent mutation b Chromosome level mutation Current Lecture I Genotype and Phenotype DNA information storage mRNA information carrier Proteins active cell machinery Transcription Translation Genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to Proteins via transcription and translation as seen in the demonstration above Differences in genotype may cause differences in phenotype physical expression The way you behave is a phenotype caused by a genotype Phenotypes are physical traits that are the product of the proteins produced It only takes that shifting of one nucleotide to create a different protein expression a Dominance dominance means you have the ability to make certain proteins For example having brown eye color means that you have more proteins that code for pigment than individuals with blue eye color b Alleles an alternate expression of the same gene One gene has multiple alleles associated with it Ex Only one gene is responsible for hair color however since there are multiple alleles there are multiple phenotypes How many sequential differences exist to produce 4 blood type differences via one gene 3 A B O II Codons These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Most life forms start with the same start codon AUG Stop codons are typically one of three possibilities however there is no amino acid associated with a stop codon like there is a start codon only a nucleotide sequence III Mutations any permanent change in an organisms DNA a Point mutation results from a single base change one nucleotide Missense results in changes in amino acid sequence of encodes protein Silent mutation does not change the amino acid sequence of the gene product this is because there can be multiple sequences that code for the same amino acid b Chromosome level mutation often results from the addition of deletion of chromosomes from the individuals karyotype A tumor is a group of cells that are still active but are no longer recognized by other cells they are not accepted into the tissue as they develop so they develop outside of the tissue
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