Lifespan Development It s not a course it s an experience Welcome PSY 213 01 Spring 2011 MWF 12 12 50 p m SCH 130 Instructor Alycia M Hund Ph D Office DeGarmo 446 Office Phone 438 7863 E mail amhund ilstu edu Website www psychology ilstu edu amhund Office Hours Mondays 8 9 am Wednesdays 8 9 am by appointment Graduate Teaching Assistant Angie Calvin Desk 12 outside DeGarmo 446 E mail ajcalvi ilstu edu Office Hours Mondays 3 4 pm Wednesdays 3 4 pm Fridays 1 2 pm Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Paige Cardenaz Desk 12 outside DeGarmo 446 E mail pccarde ilstu edu Office Hours Tuesdays 12 30 2 pm Thursdays 3 30 4 30 pm Fridays 11 am 12 pm Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Anne Marie White Desk 12 outside DeGarmo 446 E mail awhite ilstu edu Office Hours Mondays 1 2 pm Wednesdays 11 am 12 pm 1 2 pm Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Cara Workman Desk 12 outside DeGarmo 446 E mail cnworkm ilstu edu Office Hours Mondays 11 am 12 pm Tuesdays 11 am 12 pm Thursdays 11 am 12 pm Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Alex Krusic Desk 12 outside DeGarmo 446 E mail akrusic ilstu edu Office Hours Tuesdays 1 3 pm Fridays 10 11 am Required Supplies You will need 15 3 x 5 in note cards for participation exercises Please bring them to class daily Required Readings Kail R V Cavanaugh J C 2010 Human development A life span view fifth edition Belmont CA Wadsworth Cengage Learning ISBN 978 0 495 60037 4 available at Barnes Noble and Alamo II on reserve at Milner Library Six articles on electronic course reserve through Milner Library https i share carli illinois edu isu cgibin Pwebrecon cgi DB local PAGE rbSearch Course Website www psychology ilstu edu amhund lifespan213 htm Study Questions Blackboard details Blackboard Login Website https blackboard ilstu edu also available via iCampus Textbook Website http www wadsworth com cgiwadsworth course products wp pl fid M20bI flag instructor product isbn issn 9780495600374 disciplinenumber 2 4 study aids PREREQUISITES The prerequisites for this course are ENG 101 and COM 110 and PSY 110 or 111 COURSE OVERVIEW AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES Lifespan Development is an outer core social sciences general education course General Education provides a broad common foundation of study upon which to build an undergraduate education The shared learning outcomes include fostering your abilities to think critically and solve problems to comprehend diverse and global perspectives to be civically engaged and to be a life long learner Please visit www gened ilstu edu faculty goals default aspx for additional details Courses in the outer core explore ways of knowing in the disciplines through examination of significant historical social cultural and scientific issues Lifespan development is the scientific study of human development from conception to death It focuses on biological cognitive social emotional and cultural aspects of development The purpose of this course is to examine the basic processes and theories of development to increase understanding and appreciation of human development across the lifespan This course provides an overall understanding of the basic theoretical issues and research findings in lifespan development and the implications of development for everyday interactions and contexts For a complete listing of course objectives see www psychology ilstu edu undergrad objectives index shtml Learning objectives will be assessed through exams class activity assignments and participation exercises The course includes three classes each week as well as readings and assignments completed outside of class time There will be overlap in the ideas discussed in class and in the readings however some ideas will be discussed only in class or in the readings To do well in this course you should attend and actively participate in class daily complete all assigned readings and assignments by the designated date and review course details regularly i e avoid cramming GRADING PROCEDURES AND DETAILS Your course grade is based on the total number of points you earn during the semester no rounding or curving A 450 500 pts B 400 449 pts C 350 399 pts D 300 349 pts F 299 pts and below If you withdraw from the course your course grade will be based on the points earned up to the official date of withdrawal Assignment Exams Class Activities Participation Exercises Number 4 3 10 Points Each 100 25 2 5 Total Points 400 75 25 The first three exams will be held during the usual class period The last exam not a comprehensive exam will be held during the final exam period Exams will include multiple choice and or short essay questions assessing your understanding and application of key ideas Class activities will be based on readings from magazine articles on electronic reserve through Milner Library https ishare carli illinois edu isu cgi bin Pwebrecon cgi DB local PAGE rbSearch Each activity will involve reading an article completing a short assignment and discussing the main points during class You are expected to turn in via Blackboard completed electronic versions of THREE assigned activities in Microsoft Word format doc or docx by 10 am on the date due Late class activities will not be accepted If your first name begins with A through J you must turn in Activities A C and E If your first name begins with K through Z you must turn in Activities B D and F You will receive up to 25 points for each activity If you wish to replace one of your scores on the assigned activities you may complete one activity from the unassigned group by its designated due date e g A J Activities B D or F K Z Activities A C or E Only the three highest activity scores will be included in the calculation of your course grade Everyone is responsible for reading and understanding all six activity articles Detailed instructions regarding accessing and submitting the activities and viewing comments are available on the course website and in Blackboard Participation exercises will be completed throughout the semester to facilitate active learning These exercises which usually will not be announced in advance will be evaluated largely on a completed or not completed basis and will be worth up to 2 5 points each They may include reflecting on course themes providing illustrations or examples of important concepts completing self assessments and providing data for research simulations Although only 10 exercises are required to receive full credit more than 10 will be included during the semester All participation exercise
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