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23 Feb 1999 Session 1 0 CS655 Tues 23 Feb Assignment for Next Week Read Unit 5 papers in file drawer by Tues 2 Mar Goldberg McCarthy Hudak Functional Recursive functions Haskell Write due 4 Mar Haskell and ML handle type inferencing and polymorphism differently Haskell maps to abstract types while ML maps to concrete types Explain what this means and address which method if either feel free to suggest alternatives is better 23 Feb 1999 Session 1 0 CS655 Today s Topics Aspect oriented programming Kiczales talk calculus Denotational semantics Next time Library lady 23 Feb 1999 Session 1 0 CS655 Project Objective to learn one or more new languages through analysis and use in order to broaden your view and understanding of programming languages concepts and issues Assignment Identify and receive approval for a project in which you learn one or more new programming languages or make a significant contribution to an existing or evolving language You may work on a default project see next slide You may work in groups of up to three people OK to work alone Final project proposal must be to me by Tuesday 9 March 5PM No member of a group may have previously known any of the languages analyzed 23 Feb 1999 Session 1 0 CS655 Preferred Project Influence the design of an evolving langauge You suggest the way you ll influence it You accomplish the task of convincing the language designer s to at least consider your idea s and respond to it them 23 Feb 1999 Session 1 0 CS655 Default Project Languages CLU Icon APL Cecil Sather Eiffel Self OCAML choose one Sample questions to answer What are the most notable features of your language Show us they work What are the influences on your langauge What is its history in general How were the features from 1 influenced What problem domains is your language good for Bad for Why Support arguments with code What were the language designer s goals How well does your language meet the language designer s goals What would you do to improve the language support with examples 23 Feb 1999 Session 1 0 CS655

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UVA CS 655 - Project

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