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CSCI 450 Windows NT Laboratory Project 5 Install TCP IP Networking on the PDC IP Address 192 168 2 xx instructor will assign value in class Subnet Mask 255 255 255 0 Gateway leave blank Verify IP is working by using ping Create a host file identify for the Instructor s computer as 192 168 2 1 Verify connectivity to the network by pinging Instructor s computer Run ipconfig and record reported information instructions appear at the end of this module Install and configure DHCP server on the PDC obtain the IP address range from your instructor Set lease time so you ll be able to test expiration Install TCP IP networking on BDC and Client computers Test DHCP IP address assignments Install and test ftp finger and telnet services Use DHCP manager to install and test WINS of the PDC using the procedures outlined on the pages following this module Start Directory Replicator services Configure Directory Replication services to exchange directories with a neighboring domain Test Replication Services Instructions for ipconfig ipconfig Windows NT IP Configuration usage ipconfig all release adapter renew adapter Display this help message all Display full configuration information release Release the IP address for the specified adapter renew Renew the IP address for the specified adapter The default is to display only the IP address subnet mask and default gateway for each adapter bound to TCP IP For Release and Renew if no adapter name is specified then the IP address leases for all adapters bound to TCP IP will be released or renewed Configuring DHCP Server for WINS In this exercise you will configure the DHCP server to automatically assign the WINS server address and NetBIOS node types to DHCP clients Note Complete this exercise on your computer running Windows NT Server To configure the DHCP server to assign WINS server addresses 1 Logon to your PDC as Administrator 2 On the Administrative Tools Common menu click DHCP Manager DHCP Manager appears 3 Double click Local Machine The IP address for the local scope appears 4 Click the IP address for the local scope The local scope options appear under Option Configuration 5 On the DHCP Options menu click Scope The DHCP Options Scope dialog box appears 6 Under Unused Options click 044 WINS NBNS Servers and then click Add A DHCP Manager dialog box appears indicating that for WINS to function properly you must add the option 046 WINS NBT Node Type 7 Click OK The 044 WINS NBNS Servers option now appears selected under Active Options 8 Click Value The DHCP Scope Options dialog box expands 9 Click Edit Array The IP Address Array Editor dialog box appears 10 11 Under New IPAddress type your IP address and then click Add The new IP address appears under IP Addresses Click OK to return to the DHCP Options Scope dialog box 12 Under Unused Options click 046 WINS NBT Node Type and then click Add The 046 WINS NBT Node Type option now appears under Active Options 13 In the Byte box type Ox8 and then click OK DHCP Manager appears Under Option Configuration the following active scope options appear 003 Router 044 WINS NBNS Servers and 046 WINS NBT Node Type 14 Exit DHCP Manager Testing the WINS and DHCP Server Configuration In this exercise you will work with a partner to test the WINS and DHCP server configuration One computer will be running Windows NT Server and the other computer will be restarted as Windows NT Workstation Note Complete this exercise on the computer running Windows NT Workstation To test the configuration of the DHCP server to assign WINS server addresses 1 Be sure the Windows NT Workstation client computer is started 2 Log on to the domain as Administrator 3 Start a Command Prompt 4 Type ipconfig renew and then press ENTER to request a new IP address from a DHCP server on the network 5 Type ipconfig all and then press ENTER to view the new TCP IP configuration What is the IP address of the primary WINS server What is the node type 6 Ping Instructor s machine Why were you successful in pinging a NetBIOS computer name

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