Math 485 585 modeling projects Social interactions Modeling competition between languages Non equilibrium and irreversible simulation of competition among languages by D Stauffer C Schulze F W S Lima S Wichmann and S Solomon Physica A 371 719 724 2006 Coexistence of Languages is possible by J P Pinasco and L Romanelli Physica A 361 355 360 2006 Microscopic Abrams Strogatz model of language competition by D Stauffer X Castell V M Egu luz and M San Miguel Physica A 374 835 842 2007 Modeling traffic flow Jam formation in traffic flow on a highway with some slowdown sections by H Hanaura T Nagatani and K Tanaka Physica A 374 419 430 2007 Chaos control and schedule of shuttle buses by T Nagatani Physica A 371 683 691 2006 The night driving behavior in a car following model by R Jiang and Q S Wu Physica A 375 297 306 2007 Cancer and chemotherapy Modeling tumor growth A mathematical model of tumor immune evasion and siRNA treatment by J C Arciero T L Jackson and D E Kirschner Disc Cont Dyn Syst B 4 39 58 2004 Modeling leukaemia chemotherapy Cancer biology Summing up cancer stem cells by J P Huntly and D G Gilliland Nature 435 1169 1170 2005 Dynamics of chronic myeloid leukaemia by F Michor T P Hughes Y Iwasa S Branford N P Shah C L Sawyers and M A Nowak Nature 435 1267 1270 2005 Viral infections Modeling Hepatitis C infection Modelling how ribavirin improves interferon response rates in hepatitis C virus infection by N M Dixit J E Layden Almer T J Layden and A S Perelson Nature 432 922 924 2004 Antibody dependent enhancement Dynamic effects of antibody dependent enhancement on the fitness of viruses by D A T Cummings I B Schwartz L Billings L B Shaw and D S Burke Proc Natl Acad Sci 102 15259 15264 2005 Epidemics Modeling the effect of pathogen mutation on the spread of epidemics Epidemics with pathogen mutation on small world networks by Z G Shao Z J Tan X W Zou and Z Z Jin Physica A 363 561 566 2006 Controlling the spread of epidemics Simple model for tuberculosis in cattle and badgers by D R Cox C A Donnelly F J Bourne G Gettinby J P McInerney W I Morrison and R Woodroffe Proc Natl Acad Sci 102 17588 17593 2005 Population dynamics Predator prey dynamics Deer Browsing and Population Viability of a Forest Understory Plant by J B McGraw and M A Furedi Science 307 920 922 2005 Stability and bifurcation of a simple food chain in a chemostat with removal rates by M M A El Sheikh and S A A Mahrouf Chaos Solitons and Fractals 23 1475 1489 2005 Stabilization of Large Generalized Lotka Volterra Foodwebs By Evolutionary Feedback by G J Ackland and I D Gallagher Phys Rev Lett 93 158701 2004 Competing species Coexistence and chaos in complex ecologies by J C Sprott J A Vano J C Wildenberg M B Anderson and J K Noel Phys Lett A 335 207 212 2005 Physics Stability of inverted pendulum Mechanics L D Landau E M Lifshitz Third Edition Volume 1 Course of Theoretical Physics Oxford New York Pergamon Press 1976 Invisibility Optical Conformal Mapping by Ulf Leonhardt Science 312 1777 1780 2006 Controlling Electromagnetic Fields J B Pendry D Schurig D R Smith Science 312 1780 1782 2006 Optical cloaking with metamaterials Wenshan Cai Uday K Chettiar Alexander V Kildishev Vladimir M Shalaev Nature Photonics 1 224 27 2007 Nanotechnology Memristor new electronic device The missing memristor found by Dmitri B Strukov Gregory S Snider Duncan R Stewart and R Stanley Williams Nature 453 80 83 1 May 2008 doi 10 1038 nature06932 Memristor the missing circuit element by L O Chua IEEE Trans Circuit Theory 18 507 519 1971
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