UNT PSCI 1040 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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PSCI 1040 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 5 Lecture 1 January 14 Political Culture 1 What is Political Culture Shared beliefs about why we have gov what gov should do and how gov should operate 2 John Locke s philosophy is called liberalism and he believes that society exists because of the choices of individuals 3 In Locke s philosophy the community is more important than the individual 4 Other philosopher discussed Rousseau 5 What is the social contract General rules a society adheres to 4 core values liberty equality popular sovereignty and self reliance 6 List 5 benefits to a Constitutional Democracy Liberal democracy property rights individualism capitalist society self government 7 What makes a Const Democracy different from a regular democracy Emphasizes individualism and sets up clear limits on government 8 Popular Sovereignty government has to reflect will of the people and majority rule with caveats and equality 9 Populism is majority rule 10 Liberalism is majority rule with caveats 11 What were the characteristics of the Founding Fathers Middle class entrepreneurs religious dissidents who wanted to keep their property 12 Why did self gov develop in the colonies Used to local control of their own areas diversity land expansion 13 Americans were distrustful of their neighbors TRUE 14 The story of the Mormons is symbolic idea of expansion in colonies TRUE 15 Individualism and property were trademarks of the American flavor of liberalism TRUE 16 Early Americans did not believe in property rights FALSE 17 American Capitalism 18 many think that the church takes on the role of the need to feel helpful helped role in countries with strong central gov 19 Why was public education formed Lecture 2 Founding and Constitution No taxation without representation 20 Which war ended self government in the colonies and why Revolutionary War 21 The Stamp Act caused the Boston Tea Party 22 Which state were the Coercive or Intolerable Acts intended to punish Massachusettes 23 Which document was written as a result of the First Continental Congress and was written by whom Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson 24 Name four ideals that influenced the Declaration of Independence Consent of the governed divide power among separate institutions protect citizen rights and right to rebel because gov ceased to reflect will of the people 25 Explain why the US won the Revolutionary War Home turf help from French passion etc 26 Differences between Articles and the US Constitution ARTICLES were a loose alignment with limited national gov could not impose taxes no provision for a central leader CONSTITUTION 3 branch gov with a congress and powers to raise money and impose taxes The Articles of Confederation was ratified in 1788 TRUE 27 They viewed the confederation as a loose alliance of equals TRUE 28 The Articles of Confederation failed because Circle all that apply Lack of central government No ability to impose taxes on a federal level amendments Congress had to pay back taxes but couldn t levy them Awful economy Unanimous approval for Slavery caused conflicts No central leader Congress was too strong No judiciary States were charging each other tariffs Nothing prevented states from coining money 29 The Constitutional Convention took place in 1787 and was held in a Philadelphia 30 Why was the Constitutional Convention originally called d To fix the Articles of Confederation 31 Compare the differences between Virginia and New Jersey Plans VIRGINIA PLAN 3 branch with a powerful legislative branch Reps based on population in states national supremacy with a centralized executive chosen by legislature NEW JERSEY PLAN single chamber legislature with equal reps from each state weak chief executive 32 What are the tenets of The Great Compromise What did it compromise 2 chamber legislature House of Reps and Senate 33 What does Bicameral mean How does Bicameral work in the American legislature 2 chambers in congress with proportional representation 34 The 3 5th Compromise said population for slaves equated to 3 5th of a person for the Census 35 How many votes does each state get for each representative and senator Senate 2 House of Reps population based 36 Which branch decides if they want to add any courts The legislative executive or judicial Legislative 37 States have final say in laws over the national government under the Supremacy Clause FALSE 38 Republicanism is a system in which the government in which a central government works with the states T F 39 Federalism is a system in which the power resides in the people and exercised by elected officials TRUE 40 Checks and balances split the power among which three branches Legislative Executive and Judicial 41 Give the differences between federalists and anti federalists FEDERALISTS supported strong national government and favored new constitution ANTI FEDERALISTS wanted a bill of rights and said const failed to protect liberties 42 Judicial review is when the Supreme Court decides if a law is constitutional 43 Explain the ways in which the Constitution is amended Be specific Either 2 3 vote by both House and Senate or Convention on Application of 2 3 of the states then is ratified by either state legislatures or state ratifying conventions 44 The Bill of Rights was made to appease the Anti Federalists 45 James Madison felt that the Bill of Rights was not necessary because the Constitution guaranteed rights 46 The Bill of Rights consisted of a 10 amendments 47 Explain the government s usage of the Necessary and Proper Clause Congress shall have power to make all laws which are needed to carry out their foregoing powers EX Creation of national bank in order to carry out all actions involving money 48 Name the major flaws with the Constitution as we discussed in class Powers of Supreme Court poorly defined Electoral College doesn t always work issues poorly defined doesn t directly address contemporary social and political realities 49 Name the major achievements with the Constitution as we discussed in class Created unified nation capable of defending itself economic development outlawed separate state currencies and tariffs and created a durable document that s remained relevant through politically changing circumstances over time Federalism and the Texas Constitution 50 Define these terms Sovereignty Federalism each level has its own elected officials power of taxation and independent authority to pass laws Confederalism Unitary

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UNT PSCI 1040 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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Pages: 7
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