Assignment Gambler s Ruin CS 416 Artificial Intelligence Spring 2003 Due 5 00 Thursday April 24th A gambler1 has the opportunity to make bets on the outcomes of a sequence of coin flips If the coin comes up heads then he wins as many dollars as he has staked on that flip but if it is tails then he loses his stake The game ends when the gambler wins by reaching his goal of 100 dollars or loses by running out of money On each flip the gambler must decide what portion of his capital to stake in integer numbers of dollars This problem can be formulated as a MDP The state is the gambler s capital s 1 2 99 and the actions are stakes a 0 1 min s 100 s The reward is zero on all transitions except those on which the gambler reaches his goal when it is 1 The state value function then gives the probability of winning from each state A policy is a mapping from levels of capital to stakes The optimal policy maximizes the probability of reaching the goal Let p denote the probability of the coin coming up heads If p is known then the entire problem is known and it can be solved e g by value iteration Figure 1 shows the change in the value function over successive sweeps of value iteration and the final policy found for the case of p 0 4 Figure 1 The solution to the gamblers problem for p 0 4 The upper graph shows the value function found by successive sweeps of value iteration The lower graph shows the final policy 1 Problem excerpted from Reinforcement Learning by Sutton and Barto Exercise 1 Why does the optimal policy for the gambler s problem have such a curious form In particular for capital of 50 it bets it all on one flip but for capital of 51 it does not Why is this a good policy Exercise 2 Implement value iteration for the gambler s problem and solve it for p 0 25 and p 0 55 In programming you may find it convenient to introduce two dummy states corresponding to termination with capital of 0 and 100 dollars giving them values of 0 and 1 respectively Show your results graphically as in Figure 1 Does influence your rate of convergence monitor the number of iterations before your algorithm terminates Feedback As with any assignment we cannot foresee all possible sources of confusion E mail cs416 cs virginia edu with any questions or comments about the assignment However in general such e mails will not be answered directly Rather this section of this document will be updated to reflect those questions or comments worth addressing i e those not addressing problems specific to a student s particular block of code etc so check back before e mailing us to make sure you issue has not already been addressed Is there a reward for each state The reward for every state except the final state is zero How is the program to receive input The program should take a single float as a command line argument That float represents p the probability of getting heads on a single coin flip What should the program output and in what format The output should be to stdout and should contain two lines The first line should contain 99 floats separated by spaces where the first float corresponds to the value estimate for having capital 1 etc The second line should contain 99 integers separated by spaces where the first integer corresponds to the policy i e how much to stake for having capital 1 etc Part of your submission includes graphs generated from this output data You can use the program of your choice e g Excel MatLab GIMP to create these graphs How close to the true utility should we be before terminating the search Continue until the utilities no longer change from time step to time step or if that is taking too long choose an epsilon e g 10 7 such that if no change in utility exceeds epsilon the program will halt You should mention in your README file which option you choose What gamma should we use for the graphs we submit Use gamma 0 999999 1 10 6 Do we need to keep two arrays for utilities one for the old values and one for the currently being calculated values or can we calculate the utilities in place Either option is acceptable but you should mention in your README file which option you choose My optimal policy for p 0 4 isn t matching the graph you provided What might be wrong There are several things that might be wrong However even if your code is exactly correct you might be suffering from imprecision in IEEE floating points Also you should realize that there are several optimal policies but the one we provided is the optimal policy that chooses the lowest stake In order to accommodate for this and the aforementioned imprecision you should choose the smallest stake that is within 10 6 of being optimal This can be achieved with code similar to phi 0 000001 max util 1 best stake 1 for all stakes if calc util max util phi max util calc util best stake this stake Doesn t this imprecision mean that we might not actually be getting the optimal policy In theory yes However I ve run this code in Mathematica with infinite precision and verified that there are indeed ties and that the optimal policy with the lowest stake for p 0 4 is the one we provided you Submission The source code and a supporting document need to be submitted in compressed form no later than 5 00 p m on April 24th Use the URL http www cs virginia edu cs416 submit html to submit your work If you are submitting a Linux Unix solution o The name of the file you submit should be gambler tgz As the name suggests it should be a gzipped tarball To create a gzipped tarball type gtar cvzf gambler tgz README pdf Makefile cpp h The README document may be a PostScript PDF or Word Doc Because it should include a graph of your results an ascii file will not work o The solution needs to be able to compile and run on blue unix o Be sure to include a Makefile so that all I need to type to compile your submission is make o The name of the executable should be gambler o The README file should include your answers to the exercises above including graphs It should contain your name and any information that may be helpful in the assessment of your submission If you are submitting a Microsoft solution o The name of the file you submit should be gambler zip As the name suggests it should be a zip file You can use WinZip or even regular zip on blue unix even gtar If you don t know how to do this see the Linux Unix directions above Be sure to …
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