UMBC CMSC 341 - The List ADT

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Lists I The List ADT List ADT expanded from Weiss A list is a dynamic ordered tuple of homogeneous elements A1 A2 A3 AN where Ai is the ith element of the list Definition The position of element Ai is i positions range from 1 to N inclusive Definition The size of a list is N a list of NO elements is called an empty list 2 Other considerations What design considerations are there regarding this list 1 Will the list hold an infinite number of elements or will it have limited capacity If so what s the maximum number of elements 2 How will the list handle insertion of duplicate elements 3 If the list allows insertion of duplicates how does it handle deletion of a duplicated element 3 Operations on a List List construct an empty list List const List rhs construct a list as a copy of rhs List destroy the list const List operator const List rhs make this list contain copies of the elements of rhs in the same order elements are deep copied from rhs not used directly If L1 A1 A2 A3 and L2 B1 B2 before the assignment then L2 L1 causes L2 A1 A2 A3 4 Operations on a List cont bool isEmpty const returns true if the list size is zero void makeEmpty causes the list to become empty void remove const Object x the first occurrence of x is removed from the list if it is present If x is not present the list is unchanged an occurrence of x is an element A i of the list such that Ai x Also insert find findPrevious 5 What s Missing There is no size method that returns the size of the list There is no retrieve int i or operator int i method that access the ith element in the list So it s NOT possible to write code like this for int i 1 j L size i cout L retrieve i How do we scan a list and look at all the elements one at a time 6 Iterators An iterator is an object that provides access to the elements of a collection in a specified order without exposing the underlying structure of the collection order dictated by the iterator collection provides iterators on demand each iterator on a collection is independent iterator operations are generic 7 Iterator Operations bool isPastEnd returns true if the iterator is past the end of the list void advance advances the iterator to the next position in the list If iterator already past the end no change const Object retrieve returns the element in the list at the current position of the iterator It is an error to invoke retrieve on an iterator that isPastEnd 8 List Operations ListIter Object first returns an iterator representing the first element on the list ListIter Object zeroth returns an iterator representing the header of a list ListIter Object find const Object x returns an iterator representing the first occurrence of x in the list If x not present the iterator isPastEnd ListIter Object findPrevious const Object x returns an iterator representing the element before x in the list If x is not in the list the iterator represents the last element in the list If x is first element or list is empty the iterator returned is equal to the one returned by zeroth 9 scanning a Collection Iterator iter collection first while iter isPastEnd Object x iter retrieve do something with x iter advance 10 List Operators cont void insert const Object x const ListIter Object p inserts a copy of x in the list after the element referred to by p if p isPastEnd the insertion fails without an indication of failure 11 Ex Building a List List int list empty list of int ListIter int iter list zeroth for int i 0 i 5 i list insert i iter iter advance 12 Ex Building a List 2 List int list empty list of int ListIter int iter list zeroth for int i 0 i 5 i list insert i iter 13 More List Operations Find an element in the list and return it s position Tell me the value of the Nth element Determine if the list is full Determine if the list is empty Print the list 14

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UMBC CMSC 341 - The List ADT

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