Princeton COS 320 - Garbage collection

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Garbage collection Midterm Topics David Walker COS 320 Mid term Topics Midterm is in class Tuesday March 22nd be on time Overall you may be asked questions on anything discussed in class before today thursday march 10 anything you did on assignments 1 4 anything in the corresponding chapters in the textbooks Appel and online notes Harper at the end of each chapter in Appel there are a series of questions and exercises midterm questions may be similar I suggest practicing for the midterm by doing some of these questions a full range of topics appears on the course schedule web page I will be away next week sunday thursday schedule an appointment Friday or Monday if you need help schedule an appointment with Guilherme he will also be away Topics compiler interpreter structure what are the main phases in a compiler lexing parsing type checking back end how do you implement an interpreter assignment 1 Topics Lexing What is a lexer Regular expressions How do you use ML lex Appel Chap 2 2 1 2 2 2 5 not relationships between REs and DFAs or NDFAs Topics Parsing context free grammars derivations bottom up parsing top down parsing different kinds of grammars ambiguous LL k LR k SLR LALR ML Yacc semantic actions generating abstract syntax assignment 3 Appel Chapters 3 4 Topics Type Checking Typing rules typing derivations MinML types Fun types Subtyping Type checking algorithms Type inference algorithms Assignment 4 Harper chapter 9 26 not lemmas or proofs The back end Today next time garbage collection GC Every modern programming language allows programmers to allocate new storage dynamically New records arrays tuples objects closures etc Every modern language needs facilities for reclaiming and recycling the storage used by programs It s usually the most complex aspect of the runtime system for any modern language Java ML Lisp Scheme Modula per process virtual memory Memory layout new pages allocated via calls to OS heap static data TLB address translation stack grows to preset limit physical memory GC What is garbage A value is garbage if it will not be used in any subsequent computation by the program Is it easy to determine which objects are garbage GC What is garbage A value is garbage if it will not be used in any subsequent computation by the program Is it easy to determine which objects are garbage No It s undecidable Eg if long and tricky computation then use v else don t use v GC Since determining which objects are garbage is tricky people have come up with many different techniques It s the programmers problem Explicit allocation deallocation Reference counting Tracing garbage collection Mark sweep copying collection Generational GC Explicit MM User library manages memory programmer decides when and where to allocate and deallocate void malloc long n void free void addr Library calls OS for more pages when necessary Advantage people are smart Disadvantage people are dumb and they really don t want to bother with such details if they can avoid it Explicit MM How does malloc free work Blocks of unused memory stored on a freelist malloc search free list for usable memory block free put block onto the head of the freelist freelist Explicit MM Drawbacks malloc is not free we might have to do a significant search to find a big enough block As program runs the heap fragments leaving many small unusable pieces freelist Explicit MM Solutions Use multiple free lists one for each block size Malloc and free become O 1 But can run out of size 4 blocks even though there are many size 6 blocks or size 2 blocks Blocks are powers of 2 Subdivide blocks to get the right size Adjacent free blocks merged into the next biggest size still possibly 30 wasted space Crucial point there is no magic bullet Memory management always has a cost We want to minimize costs and these days maximize reliability Automatic MM Languages with explicit MM are much harder to program than languages with automatic MM Always worrying about dangling pointers memory leaks a huge software engineering burden Impossible to develop a secure system impossible to use these languages in emerging applications involving mobile code Soon languages with unsafe explicit MM will all but disappear eg Microsoft is pouring into developing safe language technology including a new research project on dependable operating system construction Automatic MM Question how do we decide which objects are garbage Can t do it exactly Therefore We conservatively approximate Normal solution an object is garbage when it becomes unreachable from the roots The roots registers stack global static data If there is no path from the roots to an object it cannot be used later in the computation so we can safely recycle its memory Object Graph r1 stack r2 How should we test reachability Object Graph r1 stack r2 How should we test reachability Reference Counting Keep track of the number of pointers to each object the reference count When the reference count goes to 0 the object is unreachable garbage Object Graph r1 stack r2 Reference counting can t detect cycles Reference Counting In place of a single assignment x f p z x f c z count c c 1 z count c If c 0 call putOnFreeList z x f p c p count c c 1 p count c Ouch that hurts performace wise Dataflow analysis can eliminate some increments and decrements but many remain Reference counting used in some special cases but not usually as the primary GC mechanism in a language implementation Copying Collection Basic idea use 2 heaps One used by program The other unused until GC time GC Start at the roots traverse the reachable data Copy reachable data from the active heap fromspace to the other heap to space Dead objects are left behind in from space Heaps switch roles Copying Collection from space roots to space Copying GC Cheny s algorithm for copying collection Traverse data breadth first copying objects from from space to to space root next scan Copying GC Cheny s algorithm for copying collection Traverse data breadth first copying objects from from space to to space root next scan Copying GC Cheny s algorithm for copying collection Traverse data breadth first copying objects from from space to to space root next scan Copying GC Cheny s algorithm for copying collection Traverse data breadth first copying objects from from space to to space next root scan Copying GC Cheny s algorithm for copying collection Traverse data breadth first copying objects from from space to to space next root scan Copying GC Cheny s

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Princeton COS 320 - Garbage collection

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