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Processors Pentium Register Size 32 bit Data Bus Size 64 bit Address Size 32 bit Max Memory 4 GB Virtual Memory 32 TB Speed in MHz 60 166 L1 Cache 8KB L2 Cache No Max x86 Instructions Cycle 2 Co Processor Yes Real Mode Yes Protected Mode Yes Virtual Real Mode Yes Pentium Pro 32 bit 64 bit 36 bit 64 GB 64 TB 150 200 8KB 256 512 KB 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Pentium III Xeon 32 bit 64 bit 36 bit 64 GB 64 TB 500 550 16KB 512KB 2MB 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Expansion Cards ISA Data Bus Data Rates MB Second Max Slots DMA Channels Data Address Parity Card ID Auto Configuration 16 Aug 10 8 7 No No No EISA MicroChannelVesa Local Bus PCI 16 32 32 12 7 No Yes Yes 8 16 32 10 160 8 15 Yes Yes Yes 32 32 64 132 132 264 2 3 N A System Dep No Yes No Yes No Yes Interrupts Ports IRQ Used By 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cascade to 9 COM2 COM4 COM1 COM3 LPT2 FLOPPY CONTROLLER LPT1 CLOCK Cascade from 2 Address Port 2F8 2FF 2E8 2EF 3F8 3FF 3E8 3EF 260 27F 360 37F 360 37F PS2 Inport Mouse Match Coprocressor HARD DISK CONTROLLER NIC CARDS GAME PORT SCSI ADAPTER VIDEO RAM 300 31F 200 20F 330 33F A0000 C4000 SCSI SCS 1 SCSI 2 FAST SCSI 2 WIDE SCSI 2 FAST WIDE SCSI 2 ULTRA SCSI 3 Bandwidth 8 bits Data Rate MB Sec 5 Cable Type 50 pin 8 bits 10 50 pin 16 bits 10 68 pin 16 bits 20 68 pin 16 bits 40 68 pin Server Performance Factors Memory Disk Access NIC Card Speed Video Adapter

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St. Ambrose CSCI 450 - LECTURE NOTES

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