ECOL 1000 1nd Edition Lecture 32 Outline of Last Lecture II Bioreactors III Potential benefits of GMOs IV Potential limitations of GMOs Outline of Current Lecture V Lynn White VI Garrett Hardin VII Rachel Carson Current Lecture Environmental Ethics Lynn White o The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis 1967 o Bible asserts human s dominion over nature leads to strong view of anthropocentrism o Christianity makes a distinction between humans and the rest of the world o Humans are superior Garrett Hardin o The Tragedy of the Commons 1968 o Innocent actions by individuals can damage the environment Rachel Carson o Silent Spring 1962 Environmental philosophy a branch of philosophy that is concerned with the natural environment and humans place within it o Environmental ethics studies the moral relationship of humans to the environment and its nonhuman contents Air and water pollution Global climate change Population growth Effects of war Genetics engineering Spirituality Indigenous peoples Instrumental value the value of things as means to further some other ends o some fruits are eaten by certain bat species o feeding on fruits is a means of survival for the bats Intrinsic value the value of things as ends in themselves regardless of whether they are also useful as means to other ends These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Chef may have instrumental value because he provides food to others but the chef also has value in his or her own right independently of his or her prospects for serving the ends of others
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