UMD GEOL 104 - Homework #4

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Name UID GEOL 104 Dinosaurs A Natural History Homework 4 Dinosaur Relationships DUE Fri Nov 2 Questions 1 8 refer to the thyreophoran cladogram below The skeletal restorations are approximately to scale Ankylosauridae Nodosauridae Stegosauria Scelidosaurus Scutellosaurus Put the numbers of shared derived characters listed below at the mark showing where they originate on the cladogram above 1 Osteoderms 2 Obligate quadrupedality 4 Tail club 5 Thagomizer 3 Paired plates and spikes Indicate where the following names belong on the cladogram above 6 Thyreophora 7 Ankylosauria 8 What is the hypothesized diet of all the dinosaurs in the cladogram above 1 Name UID For questions 9 19 answer the questions referring to the illustrations immediately above them Where given a choice in brackets circle the correct answer 9 The above tail in dorsal view is from a stegosaur ankylosaurid hadrosaurid 10 The primary function for this tail was to obtain food as active defense to help it run faster 11 The skull shown above is from a oviraptorosaur coelophysoid lambeosaurine 12 This taxon had a diet primarily of meat plants probably both meat and plants 13 The manus above is from a n tyrannosaurid ornithomimosaur hadrosauriform 14 This taxon is a ceratosaur carnosaur coelurosaur 2 Name UID 15 The skull above is from a brachiosaurid pachycephalosaur ceratopsian 16 The thickened dome of bone over the skull was most likely for protection killing prey competition between members of the same species 17 The skull above is from a hadrosaurine lambeosaurine ceratopsine centrosaurine 18 The skull above is from a n marginocephalian ornithopod thyreophoran 19 The skull above is from a n ornithischian saurischian Extra Credit The diet of the dinosaur shown above was most likely meat plants For questions 20 24 identify which of the objects below is from a hadrosauriform which is from a tyrannosaurid and indicate the arctometatarsus and the opposable digit V on the appropriate fossil NOTE these are NOT too scale 3 Name UID Below is a list of feeding adaptations found in dinosaurs For questions 25 28 match the letter of the description to the appropriate adaptation 25 Pleurokinetic hinge A Slicing through tough vegetation 26 Grinding dental battery B Shock absorber against struggling prey 27 Shearing dental battery C Allows sides of face to move back and forth 28 Intramandibular joint D Gnaw low lying vegetation in front of the face E Grind food down into little bits For questions 29 32 indicate which of the feeding adaptations above is a shared derived character of the clade listed 29 Neotheropoda 30 Hadrosauridae 31 Ornithopoda 32 Ceratopsidae Below are the skulls and skeletons of four big theropods Match the letter of the description below of the appropriate predatory adaptations to the dinosaur name 33 Acrocanthosaurus 34 Majungasaurus 35 Suchomimus 36 Tyrannosaurus A Long snout conical teeth powerful thumb claw for grabbing fish as well as other dinosaurs B Fused nasals deeply rooted very large thickened teeth solid palate for grasping and holding onto prey tearing out flesh and breaking bone C Fused nasals small thick teeth rounded skull for grasping prey D Blade like teeth for slicing through meat powerful forelimbs for grasping onto prey Extra Credit Two of the above dinosaurs have forelimbs that were almost certainly not used to capture prey List each for 1 extra credit 4 Name UID Below are the skeletons of the small primitive members of several coelurosaur groups shown pretty close to scale arranged in their cladogram For questions 37 39 indicate which letter above indicates the position on the cladogram where the listed derived trait evolved 37 Broad feathers on the arms and legs enlarged ossified breastbone sideways oriented shoulder joints semilunate carpal 38 Protofeathers slender hand boat shaped chevron 39 Elongate leg feathers tail very mobile at base and stiffened distally 40 While the early examples of each of the coelurosaur clades listed were all small most of those lineages produced giants of 1 ton or more Not all of them did though List one of the clades that never produced a 1 ton or greater giant with extra credit for another Sauropod dinosaurs evolved numerous approaches for feeding high in trees Below are pictures of the diplodocid Diplodocus and the brachiosaurid Brachiosaurus to scale Match the dinosaur with the number of its tree feeding strategy 41 Built uphill unlikely to have reared up 42 Able to rear onto its hind legs 5

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