TEL T343 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Current Lecture I Review of Good vs Bad listening II Qualifying III Discovery Meeting IV The 80 20 Rule V Value Current Lecture I Review of Good vs Bad listening a Good listening i Don t talk ii When you allow someone to explain something it helps both them and you understand their beliefs iii What you know is nothing The important thing to do is find out what is important to them b Bad listening i Don t block your ability to perceive needs 1 Stereotypes 2 First impressions 3 Don t become distracted emotional c Summarizing well is important because it shows that you were able to listen successfully These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II Qualifying a The Qualifying Interview is where you first begin building relationships with clients b You begin by asking the questions i Does the prospect have enough money to pay for advertising ii Can your medium outlet be a good fit for their needs c Goals of a qualifying interview i To build rapport ii To build trust iii Build partnership iv To assess perceptual set readiness v To get your next appointment scheduled the discovery meeting III Discovery Meeting a This comes after the Qualifying Interview This is where you find out what the prospect needs i Do research on their business to find out their marketing goals etc IV The 80 20 Rule a 80 of your business will come from about 20 of your list of clients b That s why you must create VALUE to the 20 V Value a Begins at the media level b Propositions are often customer focused solution based c Talk about quality in i You ii Your station iii Your creative iv Your production d Feature What I ve Got e Advantages Why it s best f Benefits How it solves your problem i Prospects don t invest in features they invest in benefits
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