MIT 9 14 - Study Guide

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9 14 MIT Spring 2009 Classes 35 38 Questions based on readings by Brodal Mesulam and on Schneider lectures and reading 1 Memorize Mesulam s figure 6 p 8 Define isocortex iso same vs allocortex allo other What is idiotypic cortex p 11 one type of isocortex See also Nauta Feirtag p 292 293 2 What are the different types of association areas according to Mesulam p 9 3 What are the two heteromodal fields in the primate brain Which is larger p 9 11 4 What thalamic nuclei connect with the two neocortical fields in question 6 Mesulam p 73 75 See also Brodal fig 20 7 5 Describe the neocortical territories areas projected to of the basic thalamic cell groups Geniculate bodies external geniculates LGBd MGB Ventral thalamus ventral posterior nuclei ventrobasal VPL VPM a ventral anterior and ventral lateral VA VL Lateral thalamus including the pulvinar nucleus LD L LP Pulvinar Po Medio dorsal thalamic nucleus MD Anterior nuclei AD AV AM Intralaminar and midline nuclei 6 Try to extract as much as you can from the readings Basic points will be reviewed in class See Brodal fig 20 7 better than the Mesulam diagram of thalamus In class we will contrast rodent and primate looking at frontal sections of thalamus as well as surface views of the hemisphere 7 One of the major meanings of the term association cortex is that these are the areas with long transcortical interconnections What basic patterns of connections can you see in the Brodal figures Relate these to Nauta s figure 115 showing association fiber groups which are so large in the human brain that they can easily be seen in dissections MIT OpenCourseWare http ocw mit edu 9 14 Brain Structure and Its Origins Spring 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use visit http ocw mit edu terms

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