UNT PSCI 1040 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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PSCI 1040 1st Edition Study Guide Lectures 1 7 This Study Guide is based on the exam review sheet posted on blackboard Definitions come both directly from the powerpoints as well as my on personal notes Study Guide Outline American Government and Politics The US Constitution Federalsim Texas Origins and Constitution The Presidency AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS Politics What do we mean by politics A group of people who make decisions for the greater group A group of people who manage resources define values and work to help better the greater group An institution that makes decisions for the greater group Government Services of the Government The government creates law and puts taxes on the public as a form of control even though we are a free people We call ourselves free but we are not completely The consequences for breaking the rules of the government are Jail Paying a Fine Tax Penalty Government and Policy The vast majority of Americans feel frustrated with the Government systems Why does this happen The government is in charge They hold the power and people fear them Do we need a government No Not necessarily Other places function without a government It provides organization to a larger community but is of course full of negatives as well Types of Government Tyranny when power is put in a single person interested in using their power for the benefit of themselves ex South Korea Monarchy power is put in a single person who uses their power for the good of the people Obligarchy power is put in a small group of people who use their power for the benefit of themselves ex South Africa Aristoctracy power is put in a small number of individuals who use their power for the good of the people Theories of Democracy Government by the Many Democracy power is shared between the government and the people though elections Traditional Types of Democracy Direct Democracy the people run the government Representative Democracy the people vote for a group of people to run the government Types of Democracy Direct Democracy the people run the government Representative Democracy the people vote for a group of people to run the government Characteristics of American Democracy Personal Liberty freedom from the interference of the government and to act with freedom from the discrimination of the government Political Equality every person gets one vote Popular Consent governments draw power from the consent of the people Majority Rule 50 plus 1 Individualism Constitutionalism A system of government based on the rule of the law There are lawful restrictions on government s power Individuals can claim their rights in court Theories of Democracy Pluralism politics is mainly a competition among groups where the public interest will prevail Elite and class theory groups with money will have influence The groups are not equal Hyperpluralism groups are too strong and dominate all politics this weakens the democracy Types of Elections Primary Preliminary election that narrows the number of candidates by determining who will be the nominees in the general election General Final election that selects the office holder Initiative Proposed laws or state constitutional amendments placed on the ballot via citizen petition Referendum Proposed laws or state constitutional amendment that is proposed by a legislature or city council but does not go into effect unless the required majority of voters approve it Proposition Shorthand reference to an initiative or a referendum It may enable citizens to bypass overrule elected officials THE US CONSTITUTIONS The American Colonies First Continental Congress An organized effort to rectify the relationship on the 12 colonies with England Nothing really happened at this meeting and nothing was resolved Second Continental Congress There is growing rebellion in the American Colonies This is the British Soldiers effort to end that rebellion Olive Branch Petition Olive Branch sign of peace This was a message to King George that they want to have a relationship with England They do not however want the Intolerable Acts More on the 2nd Continental Congress Now the American Colonies are at war with an incredibly strong military force England The Colonies know they must organize the country in the same form so they created the Continental Army Stamp Act Stamp Act Congress Stamp Act Congress the Colonies The Rebellion of the Colonies The British taxed tea because of it Boston Tea Party The Rebellion of the Colonies to the tax on tea They called themselves the patriots The Intolerable Acts After the Boston Tea Party the British put the Intolerable Acts upon them to show them who was really in charge The Intolerable Acts Quartering Act 1765 Quebec Act 1774 Massachusetts Government Act 1774 Administration of Justice Act 1774 Boston Port Act 1774 First Continental Congress An organized effort to rectify the relationship on the 12 colonies with England Nothing really happened at this meeting and nothing was resolved Second Continental Congress There is growing rebellion in the American Colonies This is the British Soldiers effort to end that rebellion Now the American Colonies are at war with an incredibly strong military force England The Colonies know they must organize the country in the same form so they created the Continental Army Olive Branch Petition Olive Branch sign of peace This was a message to King George that they want to have a relationship with England They do not however want the Intolerable Acts Declaration of Independence 1776 The Basic Plan for the Colonies orchestrated by Thomas Jefferson if we pledge ourselves to the government give our obedience we give away certain rights in exchange for the governments protection The Declaration is not considered a governing document today It is based on life liberty and the pursuit if happiness The Articles of Confederation 1777 Didn t last more than 8 years Today s government lots of power states less Federalism Before most power in the state and less in the government Confederation ex European Union Confederation Weak government with one branch which is Congress It operates by super majority rule which means 9 out of 13 must vote yes The states had the most power Confederation failure due to A Confederation did not work because they had no way of raising its own money taxes Constitutional Convention 1787 Was hard to create solutions to problems They realized it was too messy and felt like they could not fix it so they

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UNT PSCI 1040 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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