ASTR 1102 002 2008 Fall Semester Joel E Tohline Alumni Professor Office 247 Nicholson Hall E mail tohline lsu edu Course Syllabus Syllabus www phys lsu edu tohline courses astr1102 WELCOME TO ASTRONOMY The required textbook for this course is Universe Eighth Edition by Roger A Freedman and William J Kaufmann III 2007 W H Freeman Company Course Calendar Notes from each day s class will be regularly posted on this web page CHECK IT ROUTINELY Calendar www phys lsu edu tohline courses astr1102 calendar shtml Evaluation of Coursework Comments on My Teaching from ASTR 1101 students Spring 2008 One of the best professors I ve had in 4 years at LSU I recommended him to a lot of my friends and I plan on taking further courses with Mr Tohline as the professor The instructor was extremely nice but he made the subject very boring I m awful at science and he made the material so approachable with his enthusiastic hands on teaching style There were only four grades for the class It would have been more thorough had there been additional assignments I was not satisfied overall with this class I expected to learn more about the planets and solar system He is very fun and interesting to listen too Comments on My Teaching cont from ASTR 1101 students Spring 2008 Practice tests were very helpful Also Power Points available online were helpful It was obvious that Prof Tohline cared about the class and whether we got something from it or not His test reflected material covered completely My only criticism is that the class seemed more like it focused mostly on physics and less on characteristics of the universe He was very organized Dr Tohline s enthusiasm made it easy for me to follow his lectures Exams and other assignments were thoroughly explained and overall the class was very informative Good job Overview of Material to be Covered ASTR 1102 vs ASTR 1101 ASTR 1101 Generally Chapters 2 15 Generally focus on solar system objects ASTR 1102 Generally Chapters 16 28 Generally focus on objects phenomena outside the solar system ASTR 1101 ASTR 1102 Both Semesters The Scale of the Universe Earth Light Travel Times Speed of light c 3 x 108 meters second Travel around the Earth Circumference of the Earth D 3 14 x 1 28 x 107 m 4 02 x 107 meters Time of travel distance speed 4 02 x 107 m 3 x 108 m s 0 134 seconds Travel from Earth to Moon Earth Moon distance 3 84 x 108 meters Time of travel distance speed 3 84 x 108 m 3 x 108 m s 1 3 seconds Textbook Appendix 2 Textbook Appendix 3 Earth Moon System Sun Sun in Eclipse Saturn To the Edge of the Solar System Distance to the Nearest Stars Across our Galaxy Across our Galaxy Distance to Andromeda Remote Regions of our Universe Light Travel Times Sun to Earth 8 minutes Across the Radius of the Sun 2 seconds Earth to Saturn 80 minutes Sun to Neptune edge of solar system 4 hrs Sun to Proxima Centauri nearest neighbor star 4 4 years Across the diameter of our Milky Way Galaxy 150 000 years From the Andromeda Galaxy nearest major neighbor galaxy to us 2 5 million years Chapter 17 The Nature of Stars Describe Population of stars Location Coordinate position Distance Motion Across the photo sky Toward away from us Intrinsic properties Mass Color Brightness Age Describe Population of fans Location Coordinate position Distance Motion Across the photo sky Toward away from us Intrinsic properties Mass weight Color clothes Brightness Age Prominent and Obscured Objects Prominent and Obscured Objects Individual Stars Location in Space Coordinate angular position on the sky Distance from Earth Motion through Space Motion across the sky proper motion Motion toward away from us radial velocity Intrinsic properties Brightness luminosity magnitude Color surface temperature Mass Age
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