Math 220 Calculus I Section BL1 MWF 3 00 3 50 in 114 David Kinley Hall Spring 2009 Instructor William Green Office 108 Altgeld Hall Office Phone 244 5927 email wgreen4 illinois edu Office Hours Tuesday Thursday 4 00 4 50pm in Altgeld 143 Website I will be maintaining a website for this class that will contain general information about the class announcements and answers to FAQs You should always check the website before e mailing me with questions If I don t respond to your email it s probably because that information is available on the website www math uiuc edu wgreen4 math220 spring09 html Required Text The required text is Calculus Single Variable Early Transcendental Functions by Smith and Minton Grading The components of your grade are as follows Quizzes 10 Homework 10 Hour Exams 4 50 Final 30 Maximum cutoffs for letter grades will be at the traditional 90 80 etc with plus and minus grades given at the following intervals Curves are possible but very rare 96 67 100 93 34 96 66 90 93 33 86 67 90 83 34 86 66 80 83 33 A A AB B B 76 67 80 73 34 76 66 70 73 33 66 67 70 63 34 66 66 60 63 33 below C C CD D DF Homework There will be two different types of homework daily practice problems and graded homework All problems will be taken from the problem banks in the text Practice problems are never collected but will be 1 terribly helpful for quizzes and exams You must legibly write your name discussion section and homework number at the top right portion of any graded homework you turn in Graded homework must also be stapled to be accepted Graded homework will be due at the beginning of your assigned discussion section Homework turned in 10 minutes after the start of class is considered late no late homework will be accepted The exact problems and dates of collections will be announced in class and on the course website No late homework will be accepted A late homework is counted as a zero As a result of the no late homework policy to accommodate illness and absences every student s lowest homework grade will be dropped when calculating final grades Quizzes There will be ten weekly quizzes given on Thursdays in discussion There will not be a quiz the day before an Exam The quizzes will cover what has been covered in lecture up to the most recent lecture Any student coming to discussion more than 15 minutes late will be considered absent and will have a zero for that day s quiz No make up quizzes will be offered but the lowest quiz score will be dropped Exams There will be four exams given during the semester They will be in class exams starting at 3 PM sharp be sure to arrive to class early on these days Exam Exam Exam Exam 1 2 3 4 Friday Friday Friday Friday February 13th March 6th April 3rd April 24th You must bring a picture ID with a clear picture to all exams The exams will be in the normal lecture classroom Exams will test your knowledge of the material They will cover statements of definitions theorems and discussions from the lecture notes in addition to working problems 2 All exams will be closed book and closed notes If you are seen with notes or a book during the exam it will be considered cheating Makeup Exams As our exams are given in our normal class period there will be no written Makeup Exams You must notify me by email in advance and have official documentation to excuse you if you miss the exam In this case only will other arrangements be made A McKinley visit note is not an acceptable excuse you must have a doctor s note stating that you were too ill to take an exam on the exam day Final The final will be cumulative The final is scheduled for 1 30 4 30 PM Friday May 15 2009 You must notify me by Friday May 1 if you meet the University s standards to require a conflict exam Calculator Policy A graphing calculator can be an invaluable learning tool Some of the homework questions may become significantly more straight forward if you have access to one Since not all students have access to the same level of technology the really good calculators are quite expensive calculators will not be allowed on any exam or quiz Cheating The student s academic integrity code can be found in the Student Code Article 1 Part 4 Cheating on exams will result in serious implications including potentially a failing grade in the course University policy dictates that any charge of cheating that results in a guilty decision however small MUST be documented both with the student s college and also the Senate Committee on Academic Discipline Cheating instances will follow you and may influence decisions made about you in the future Accommodations If you are entitled to accommodations sanctioned by DRES I need to be notified with official documentation by no later than one week into the course That is by Wednesday January 28 Teaching Assistant Office Hours In addition to my own office hours every TA there are 4 total for the class will hold office hours each week These office hours are open to anyone from this lecture Times and locations of the TA office hours will be posted to the course website Tutoring Room There will be a free tutoring room available for Math 220 3 Monday through Thursday from 7 to 9PM For specific information on tutoring go to the course webpage Select the link TUTORING INFORMATION Finally look at the information under Course Math 220 If you are interested in private tutoring not free the Private Tutor List is at the bottom of the same webpage Attendance It is your responsibility to attend class I do not take attendance so it is up to you to be in lecture If you miss a class or are late to class then you need to contact someone else in the class to get the lecture notes Do not e mail me or the TA s for lecture notes Also there will often be announcements made in class about the office hours exams etc Once again if you miss class or arrive late it is your responsibility to check the website or talk to someone else in the class about any important announcements Classroom Decorum This is a very large lecture with many people The classroom environment should be conducive to learning by all Please keep chit chat to a minimum cell phones turned off etc If your behavior is disrespectful to your classmates you will be asked to leave Returned Work and Grade Disputes Homework quizzes and exams will be returned in discussion Any uncollected work will be disposed of exactly one week after the day they are passed back If you are unable to pick up your work in class you need to make
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