BIOPSYCH 0505 1nd Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture Theories of Sleep cont I A B C D E II III Passive theory of sleep Developed by Bremer Sleep is passive Sleep was the result of inactivity Cerveau isole the isolated forebrain Encephale isole isolated brain Active theory of sleep Sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes A Alert wakefulness B Just before sleep C Stage 1 sleep D Stage 2 sleep 1 Theta waves 2 Still easy to wake out of this sleep 3 Sleep spindles 4 K complexes E Stage 3 sleep F Stage 4 sleep G REM sleep stage 5 Outline of Current Lecture Neurotransmitters I II Arousal waking state A Acetylcholine B Norepinephrine C Serotonin D Histamine E Orexin Slow wave sleep A GABA These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV B Adenosine The sleep wake flip flop How does the arousal state become activated A Orexinergic neurons B Adenosine C Second flip flop mechanism D Narcolepsy Current Lecture Neurotransmitters I Arousal waking state A Acetylcholine 1 Dorsal pons and basal forebrain right in front of hypothalamus 2 Plays a role in arousal of the cerebral cortex 3 The activity levels are high during REM sleep and higher during waking 4 Involved in cortex and hippocampus arousal B Norepinephrine 1 Locus coeruleus in pons 2 Plays a role in attention and vigilance and a possible role in behavioral arousal 3 Activity levels are high only during waking and lover levels during SWS lowest levels during REM 4 Impacts the cortex thalamus hippocampus cerebellum pons and medulla C Serotonin 1 Nuclei medial pons near the caudal end of the reticular formation 2 Activity levels high during waking and low as descending into REM sleep 3 Cortical and behavioral arousal plays a role in activating behavior chewing pacing 4 Impacts the thalamus hypothalamus cortex hippocampus and the basal ganglia part of the motor system D Histamine 1 Tuberomammillary nucleus in the hypothalamus 2 Activity levels high during waking and low during SWS and REM 3 Implicated in the control of wakefulness and arousal II 4 Impacts the cortex thalamus hypothalamus basal ganglia and basal forebrain E Orexin 1 From the lateral hypothalamus 2 Increase activity in the brain stem and forebrain arousal systems Slow wave sleep A GABA 1 From ventrolateral preoptic vlPOA area 2 Suppresses alertness and behavioral arousal 3 Promotes sleep B Adenosine 1 Peptide is released by neurons during high levels of metabolic activity through out the day and is very low when you first wake up 2 Increases activity in the vlPOA III The sleep wake flip flop A When the flip flop is in the wake state the arousal systems are active and the vlPOA is inhibited and the animal is awake B When the flip flop is in the sleep sate the vlPOA is active and the arousal systems are inhibited and the animal is asleep IV How does the arousal state become activated A Orexinergic neurons 1 In the lateral hypothalamus and give us motivation to stay awake 2 They are stimulated through the biological clock in the superchiasmatic nucleus hunger signals 3 Satiety signals inhibit the orexin and decrease the eating behavior after enough energy is consumed which means there are less arousal neurotransmitters B Adenosine 1 Helps initiated sleep and rise as the day goes on 2 It stimulates the vlPOA and more GABA will be released which results in less activity of arousal C Second flip flop mechanism 1 REM sleep as GABA is still the stimulus a The REM off system is the vlPAG prevents us from entering sleep and as the GABA neurons build up it goes to the REM on SLD and then give less GABA back to vlPAG b LH orexinergic neurons stimulate vlPAG and make sure that the REM off area is active throughout the day D Narcolepsy 1 Having dreams and muscle decrease while awake 2 Any activity in the amygdala can stimulate narcolepsy 3 The SLD overrides the vlPAG when there is not enough orexin
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