ISU AECL 365 - Exam 2 Review

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Exam 2 Review 2009 Try to answer questions on your own and then go through notes and find the answers 1 What are the functions of the respiratory system 2 What are the types of respiratory systems and describe each 3 What is responsible for a gas exchange 4 There is high in the blood sytem and high in the 5 What three characteristics enhance gas exchange 6 Define Paedomorphism 7 What mechanism allows for gas exchange across the gills 8 Lungs allow organisms to breathe in environments 9 Why the switch from gill filaments to lungs 10 In lungs there is a high diffusion gradient due to the what 11 Most vertebrate lungs are and lead to a 12 There is a high low amount of surface area in vertebrate lungs 13 True False All vertebrates have lungs that lead to a dead end sac 14 is the oxygen transporting protein found in most vertebrates 15 Describe factors that determine oxygen in blood 16 The Bohr effect allows for more to travel to the It helps get rid of more at the cellular level 17 The site of gas exchange occurs where in each of the following Gills Lungs Cutaneous Respiratory II 18 Name the three types of respiration systems 19 What class has the greatest diversity in respiration 20 What of breathing do frogs have 21 True False Amphibia is the only class to use cutaneous respiration 22 In Amphibians in which group is cutaneious respiration most common 23 Why are plethodontids special 24 Are reptile lungs more or less developed when compared to amphibians 25 What is the structure that begins to separate the anterior portion of the respiratory tract from the digestive tract 26 In turtles where else does respiration occur aside from the lungs 27 Are mammalian lungs more or less developed than reptilian 28 What structure within mammalian lungs is responsible for greater surface area in the lungs 29 Why is more surface area important 30 How do mammalian lungs work By what system 31 What muscle creates a vacuum in the chest when it contracts 32 Where do diving mammals store oxygen 33 Why don t diving mammals store oxygen in their lungs 34 From where do diving mammals derive ATP 35 What type of respiration do birds have 36 Mammals have a more or less efficient oxygen exchange than birds 37 True False The air sac system of birds can include bones 38 Which air sacs does the air flow into birds when they first inhale 39 How do locomotion and respiration compete 40 Can a lizard respire successfully when running 41 Can a dog respire successfully when running 42 What is integument 43 True False Integument is not an organ system 44 Name 3 functions associated with the integument system 45 and are the two layers of the skin Describe each 46 In bony fishes the is the layer on the of scales and has glands while the is thicker and produces and contains which allow the fish to change color 47 True False Osteichthyes generally have a large amount of keratin in their integument 48 Amphibians have both mucous and glands Evidence of keratin is found in Many amphibians produce from these glands 49 Describe the dermis in Amphibians 50 Reptiles often shed their epidermis through a process called 51 How do each of the following shed i e 2 pieces 1 piece etc a Turtle b Snake c Lizard d Crocodiles 52 The dermis is thicker thinner in reptiles 53 Some reptiles such as turtles have 54 In birds the epidermis produces which are made of keratin Birds also shed and replace feathers in a process known as 55 What is the preening gland found in birds 56 The main shaft of a feather is called a and ends in a quill or or hooklets branch off barbules and interlock 57 Mammals have 4 types of glands Name and describe them 58 True False Since mammary glands are paired all mammals only have two mammary glands 59 Describe three general characteristics of hair 60 hair is what you generally 61 hair is a shorter layer below the hair 62 are the whiskers and are used as 63 True False All female cervids are devoid of horns 64 True False Rhinoceros horns are true horns 65 Compare and contrast antlers and horns 66 Describe a rhinoceros tusk 67 The endocrine system works with the system and has both and responses 68 Name 3 things the endocrine system controls 69 Describe endocrine glands 70 What are hormones 71 is the master center of the endocrine system and is found in the 72 They hypothalamus produces which stimulate the 73 What are the two portions of the pituitary gland 74 Name and describe the hormones produced in the anterior pituitary 75 Name and describe the hormones stored in the posterior pituitary 76 What produces the oxytocin and vasopressin 77 Which gland is located in the neck What hormone controls it What hormone is produced by this gland 78 Which hormone is a key to metamorphosis in amphibians 79 Describe the Parathyroid gland and its products 80 gland is found next to the kidneys in mammals and is controlled by 81 Name and describe the two areas of the adrenal gland 82 is another name for epinephrine and is another name for norephinephrin 83 What hormones are produced in the Islet Cells of the pancreas Describe them 84 is caused by a lack of insulin 85 The secretes during dark thus it is negatively light sensitive It is responsible for in lizards preceeding dormancy It is linked to in humans 86 What are the functions of the immune system 87 The lymphoid organs consist of organs and organs 88 Define and list primary organs 89 What are secondary organs and provide an example 90 Monocytes macrophages and neutrophils are types of whose job is to engulf particles and them 91 release granules containing chemicals that damage invaders 92 What causes allergies 93 What are the two types of lymphocytes 94 B cells produce that bind to invaders 95 True False Antibodies are very specific but cannot recognize many different pathogens 96 What is an example of how antibodies work 97 What are two types of T cells 98 T helpers aid in activation of and 99 recognize tumor cells or virus infected cells and kills them with toxic chemicals 100 Both B and T cells when they encounter invaders forming a whole army of cells a that can eliminate the invader more efficiently 101 What are the two types of immunity 102 True False Acquired immunity is found in all animals while innate immunity is only in vertebrates 103 What are the main components of each type of immunity 104 Fill in the chart appropriately for the blank section of either acquired or innate immunity Innate Immunity Acquired Immunity line of defense line of defense Activated upon

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