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COURSE INFORMATION Children s Literature ENH 291 EDU291 Spring 2004 Instructor Barbara Hackett Office 05 114 Office phone 623 845 3608 Online office hours Telephone office hours MW 9 45 10 45 MW 12 00 1 00 On campus office hours by appointment only E mail barbara hackett gcmail maricopa edu To access class web site log on to http www maricopa edu midas PLEASE READ THIS HANDOUT CAREFULLY YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING ITS CONTENT I SUGGEST YOU PRINT IT FOR EASY ACCESS 1 Course description Overview of the history of Children s Literature up to the present time Students will be exposed to the various genre available today picture books fables myths tall tales and fairy tales Mother Goose poetry realistic and historical fiction fantasy science fiction biography and autobiography and informational 2 Goal of ENH 291 to become familiar with selections from each genre by reading and evaluating them by applying the appropriate literary criteria 3 Materials Children s Literature A Discovery for a Lifetime by Stoudt Amspaugh and Hunt 2nd edition An 8 1 2 x 11 notebook or loose leaf section or a file on your hard drive devoted exclusively to Children s Literature notes and submitted assignments For example call the folder Children s Lit Create sub files for each genre A data disc for submitting your complete resource literary file to the instructor at the end of the semester An audio cassette tape or videocassette or DVD to record your storytelling This too will be submitted to the instructor 4 Class format The class is usually comprised of students who are education majors mothers of young children and potential writers of children s books therefore the class will be conducted as an elementary education methods class so that the potential teacher will have an invaluable resource file that includes selections from all the genre in children s literature With a few exceptions we will devote one week to each basic category of children s literature The unit will consist of a textbook preparatory readings b the instructor s background lecture including handouts media presentations criteria for assignments and samples c student s written assignments d oral presentations Because the class does not exist in REAL TIME the presentations will be sent via telephone messaging e class sharing The instructor will select excerpts from written assignments and place them on a web page so that the class will be exposed to more quality literature The information can then be accessed by other members of the class to fulfill the assignment related to their resource literary file More information will be posted 5 Tentative syllabus Weeks 1 2 Introductory materials Picture Books Caldecott award winning books Week 2 History of Children s Literature Week 3 Fairy tales Week 4 Mother Goose Rhymes and Poetry Week 5 Modern Fantasy Week 6 Science Fiction Week 7 Modern Realistic Contemporary Fiction Week 8 Historical Fiction Week 9 Biography autobiography Week 10 Multicultural Literature Week 11 and 12 Informational Books Newbery Medal award winning books Week 13 Newbery Honor books runners up Week 14 Storytelling Experience Week 15 Final exam on campus submission of resource literary file 6 Requirements a Students will be acquainted with the historical development and scope of literature by reading and evaluating both picture books and novels from each genre in children s literature b Students will submit half page entries approx 8 x 5 inches on books read The content will vary slightly Basically the entries will consist of all or some of the following information a full bibliography synopsis of story list of concepts values how the concepts are met in the story discussion questions basic needs fulfilled evaluation of the genre personal reaction They will be submitted to the instructor for grading Point evaluation for the assignment will be given in each genre s lesson A sample of assignment required will be given NO LATE ENTRIES will be accepted If there is a problem such as illness please contact the instructor about a waiver c For each genre the students will give a brief maximum 3 minutes telephone presentation on one of the books read Sometimes the presentation will be a sharing of the content of the book other times it will be a book talk The instructor will demonstrate the latter The presentation will be presented ORALLY not read Points will be awarded for the presentation 5 points excellent 4 points good 3 points satisfactory 2 point poor There will be NO MAKEUP S on the oral assignment d To have a varied and substantial resource literary file each student will select posted entries from the CLASS SHARING page Each genre will contain a minimum of 5 books Informational and poetry are the exception The entries for your selections will consist of bibliography the summarization of the story s content and your reason for selecting that particular book to include in your file The reason must reflect the value for children These will be worth five 5 points each They will be included in the disc or CD you submit at the end of the semester and will be graded at that time e Submit a lesson plan outline to your instructor for a story you will TELL not read on cassette or video tape or DVD and submit to the instructor You will be given a sample to follow The lesson plan will be graded as follows Introduction motivation 5 points Procedure 10 points Discussion questions 5 points Culmination 5 points f There will be three 3 tests and a final exam 7 Values for Grading Each will be explained in the individual lessons Online Tests 3 156 points Storytelling lesson plan 25 points Storytelling tape 50 points Notecard 8 x 5 23 at 10 pts each 230 points Poetry evaluations 40 points Notecard from sharing 40 at 5 points 200 points Full length Novel evaluations 9 at 50 points each 450 points Weekly tel presentations 11 at 5 pts ea 55 points Comprehensive final exam taken on campus 200 points Will be comprised of a selection of questions taken from the three tests Note To receive a passing grade of C or better a student must receive at least a C on the final exam Suggestion Create a chart data sheet to keep track of your accumulated points or check the Midas gradebook frequently NOTE No extra work credit will be given in place of any of the above assignments or for failing grades 8 Final Grade 1406 to 1265 points A 1264 to 1125 points B 1124 to 984 points C 983 to 844 points D Below 843 points F Note if you fail the final exam you will

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MCCCD SWU 291 - Syllabus

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