UNT PSCI 1040 - The President
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PSCI 1040 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture The President Outline of Current Lecture The Institutionalized Presidency Executive Office of the President Office of Management and Budget The White House Office The Illusion of the Presidential What s going to be on the Test Current Lecture The President The Institutionalized Presidency The President needs help He cannot do everything himself This is why The Executive Office of the President was born in 1939 Executive Office of the President Typically ten agencies that together with the White House Office make up the EOP They work primarily with the president and his White House staff rather than with each other They perform classic staff functions 1 Gathering information The National Security Council he gets briefed about new information all the time from them 2 Maintaining the organization of the branches working with the President Office of Management and Budget they deal with the environment quality of living etc These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute It is responsible for 1 creation of the annual federal budget 2 monitoring agency performance 3 compiling recommendations from the departments on enrolled bills bills that have been passed in identical form in both chambers of Congress 4 and administering central clearance They study the legislation make decisions about the annual budget and how money is to be spent All significant policy changes go through the OMB The White House Office The White house office has gone from being a extremely small to huge with over a thousand people working there today The White House is full of specialists that aid and assist the President in making decisions The Illusion of Presidential Government The President is blamed or praised for everything going on politically The President doesn t actually have all the power or make all of the decisions They just have a false appearance of being in charge What s Going to be on the Test Majority Lecture material Minority Book Multiple choice test Know basic definitions and terms but also know the consequences Ex whats the interstate commerce clause What s the consequence of it Congress uses it to obtain too much power No dates Other than Texas Know the different constitutions of Texas Review the textbook quizzes Dual and Cooperative Federalism Dual States rights Cooperative Federalists Strong National Government Every state has 2 senators plus however many house members of votes

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UNT PSCI 1040 - The President

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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