UCI ICS 280 - A Comparative Usability Evaluation of User Interfaces

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A Comparative Usability Evaluation of User Interfaces for Online Product Catalogs by Ewa Callahan Jurgen Koenemann presented by Andrew Trieu ICS 280 Information Visualization Department ICS at UCI June 6 2002 Introduction A comparative study of the usability of hierarchically structured and zoomable Electronic Product Catalogs EPC available online VERSUS the InfoZoom a novel interface utilizing a compression technique direct manipulation and zooming Introduction con t The authors had designed a test search interface and used it for comparison between EPC and InfoZoom Performance on both types of interfaces was evaluated in terms of search speed accuracy efficiency and user satisfaction How EPC comes about Due to the increased in the WWW many companies have used it as a medium to promote and sell their products and services The increase in electronic commerce creates a need for Electronic Product Catalogs Customers The customer enjoys a higher level of interactivity such as a variety of searching possibilities comparison features to get access to more information about the different product etc However navigation problems are the second most cited reason for not shopping online Introduction con t The most common catalog interfaces on the Web are hierarchically organized catalogs where the consumer sees the list of the products and can follow the links to their more detailed description Problems Solution Problems of the hierarchically organized catalogs are Confusing Items in dropdown menus are not visible Lengthy result pages and Lack of filtering options of results The solutions are Recommendation approach Interaction approach Recommendation Approach The first approach includes the recommendation systems which suggest to the user what the user should buy recommendation approach This will require consumers to enter personal data which many consumers will not do Interaction Approach The second approach concentrates on improving and facilitating the consumers interaction with the interface allowing the user to select products more easily The authors were interested in this direction and wanted to investigate whether or not highly interactive interfaces that support the user in the selection of products can improve the finding of products Evaluation of Existing Online Catalogs For the evaluation the authors had selected 14 German and English automobile EPCs available on the Web in the Fall of 1999 A Summary of the Results Analysis of the Result Database size Searching mode Attributes Specifying Ranges Search History Result Pages Sorting Search Results Item Comparison InfoZoom Based on Ahlberg and Schneiderman s dynamic queries and Furnas fisheye techniques Displays database relations as tables with attributes as rows and objects as columns Overview mode and Compressed mode Offers many different ways of searching Can easily compare sorting and resorting the results Overview Mode Compressed Mode Usability Study Based on the feature comparison of InfoZoom and the hierarchical interfaces InfoZoom should be a more efficient tool that facilitates searches for products The authors conducted a comparative usability study to confirm their analysis Also they performed a controlled experiment that resembled online counterpart Materials The database used for this study AutoDB contains 1690 cars with over 20 attributes The hierarchical interface was implement with forms in MS Access in a way to resemble the Look Feel of the typical online EPC catalog features Hierarchical Interface 1 Hierarchical Interface 2 Hierarchical Interface 3 Participants 26 participants randomly assigned to either InfoZoom or hierarchical interface 15 males and 11 females 13 ages between 21 30 9 ages between 31 40 one teenager and one over age 51 16 use computer above 10hr wk 6 use computer between 3 9hr wk and 4 use computer less than 2hr wk Tasks Find Attribute value for given Object T1 Does the Jaguar XJR have side airbags Find Database Subset Attribute Value T2 How many different models does the Peugeot class 106 have T4 How many cars have the following characteristics convertible 100 150 HP front drive and cost 40 000 DM or less Tasks con t For given Attribute s value s Find Object s T3 Which middle class car is the cheapest one in the database T6 Which Funcar has the quickest acceleration Compare Attribute Values for 2 Objects T5 Which car has better fuel consumption the Audi A6 1 8 or the Volvo S70 2 0 Tasks con t Find Database Attribute Value T7 How many cars are in this catalog Compare Attribute Values for Subset T8 What is the price range from the cheapest to the most expensive model for the Alfa Romeo 145 series T9 Is the acceleration of the MercedesBenz S430 Automatic slow normal or quick for a car of its class Procedure Participants were briefly introduced to the purpose of the study and upcoming tasks InfoZoom participants got a 5 minutes demo about InfoZoom Participants were introduces to 9 tasks After each task they answer 3 questions about satisfaction perception of the time needed perceived efficiency After last task summarize their experience Results Results were analyzed for each category of data Accuracy equal between both interfaces Completion time AVGIZ 19 4 min AVGHI 27 7 min Navigation out of 7 scale Ease of use IZ 5 5 HI 4 9 Efficiency IZ 5 0 HI 4 8 Overall both were valued higher for IZ Results con t Results were analyzed for each category of data Satisfaction 7 point Likert scale Comfortable IZ 5 15 HI 5 23 Fun IZ 6 3 HI 5 0 Overall satisfaction with both system was high Completion rate accuracy Hierarchical Interface InfoZoom Observations The authors observed the participants throughout the experiment Throughout the experiment the authors noted Users strategies Critical incidents breakdowns and things that went especially well Users comments Hierarchical Interface Dislike the ways of looking for the desired information from the main menu Seem lost on pages that looked alike Annoyed by the long pull down menus and lengthy result pages without sorting Confused about default values Criticized at the result pages Stopped the search after getting message no car matched the second time InfoZoom Interface Feel overload of information upon their first glance at overview screen Difficulty in choosing the appropriate search strategy at the beginning of each task Participants who preferred selecting objects on the screen have difficulty to double click on small sectors Difficulty with tasks that

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UCI ICS 280 - A Comparative Usability Evaluation of User Interfaces

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