Pitt PSY 0505 - Sleep Theories continued
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PSY 0505 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture Sleep I Recuperation theories of sleep A Restorative theory 1 Restoration of the brain B Elimination theory II Adaptation theories of sleep Circadian day and night cycle A Immobilization theory B Energy conservation theory III Why do we sleep A Functions of slow wave sleep B Functions of REM sleep 1 REM rebound phenomenon IV Measurement of sleep and arousal A Electroencephalogram EEG B Eletrooculogram EOG C Electromyogram EMG Outline of Current Lecture Theories of Sleep cont I A B C D E II III Passive theory of sleep Developed by Bremer Sleep is passive Sleep was the result of inactivity Cerveau isole the isolated forebrain Encephale isole isolated brain Active theory of sleep Sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes A Alert wakefulness B Just before sleep C Stage 1 sleep These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute D Stage 2 sleep 1 Theta waves 2 Still easy to wake out of this sleep 3 Sleep spindles 4 K complexes E Stage 3 sleep F Stage 4 sleep G REM sleep stage 5 Current Lecture Theories of Sleep cont I A B C D Passive theory of sleep Developed by Bremer which in 1936 was the major theory of sleep Sleep is a passive process that if you weren t stimulated you would fall asleep Sleep was the result of inactivity Cerveau isole the isolated forebrain 1 A cut through the midbrain and completely severed so that the forebrain was completely separated from the rest of the brain and found that the cat slept all the time 2 He removed 3 of the 5 senses the auditory and visual systems were still there but all other input was severed 3 The reduction of activity in the brain caused the cats to sleep all the time E Encephale isole isolated brain 1 The entire encephalon is separated from the spinal cord which is cut at the medulla 2 He saw normal sleep wake patterns as this led him to think that maybe sleep was not passive II Active theory of sleep A Discovered by Moruzzi and Magoun in 1949 B Found nuclei pathways when you separated the entire brain which allows for the regulation of sleep and wake C The pathway of arousal was cut in the cerveau isole some neurons induce wakefulness and sleepiness D Reticular activating system sending pathway of the reticular formation majority of it in the pons III Sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes A Alert wakefulness 1 Beta waves alert wakefulness of a high frequency B C D E F G 2 Range for amplitude is up to 30 microvolts 3 Frequency of hertz 13 30 Just before sleep 1 Alpha waves occur just before falling asleep 2 Considered to have a low amplitude 10 20 microvolts 3 Frequency of 8 12 hertz Stage 1 sleep 1 Theta waves that are of a mixed frequency which is irregular 2 Have a medium amplitude up to 50 microvolts 3 Frequency of 4 to 7 hertz across 4 Transitional stage of sleep that lasts between 1 to 7 minutes or 5 of your sleep Stage 2 sleep 1 Theta waves 2 Still easy to wake out of this sleep 3 Sleep spindles a High frequency burst of wave that lasts about one second and can have 2 5 per minute b 12 14 hertz c Outside sounds trigger sleep spindles to try and prevent you from waking up d Correlated with muscle twitching 4 K complexes a Large wave that have high amplitude and a low frequency and only found in stage 2 b Occur once per minute c Reacts to sounds that will not wake the sleeper up d Children have more sleep spindles and k complexes than adults e One can be in this stage from 10 25 minutes or 40 of your sleep Stage 3 sleep 1 Delta waves are beginning to be seen which are large amplitude of 100 microvolts with a low frequency of 1 2 hertz 2 Theta carriers are still there 3 10 of your sleep which is a transition to stage 4 Stage 4 sleep 1 Mostly delta waves with very low frequency 2 20 50 of your sleep occurs in the first few hours 3 Night terrors occur REM sleep stage 5 1 Dream stage of sleep as the dreams are more fluid and real like 2 Occurs where stage 1 sleep typically occurs 3 A lot of cortical arousal and is paradoxical where the wave patterns indicate that you are awake and asleep at the same time 4 Have a mix of a few delta and mostly theta and alpha waves

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Pitt PSY 0505 - Sleep Theories continued

Type: Lecture Note
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