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Course Descriptions and Learning Outcomes Objectives Engl 1101 English Composition I 3 Description This course is designed to increase the student s ability to construct written prose of various kinds It focuses on methods of organization analysis research skills and the production of short argumentative and expository essays readings consider issues of contemporary social and cultural concern A passing grade is C By the end of this course students will be able to engage in writing as a process including various invention heuristics brainstorming for example gathering evidence considering audience drafting revising editing and proofreading engage in the collaborative social aspects of writing and use writing as a tool for learning use language to explore and analyze contemporary multicultural global and international questions demonstrate how to use writing aids such as handbooks dictionaries online aids and tutors gather summarize synthesize and explain information from various sources use grammatical stylistic and mechanical formats and conventions appropriate for a variety of audiences critique their own and others work in written and oral formats produce coherent organized readable prose for a variety of rhetorical situations reflect on what contributed to their writing process and evaluate their own work Engl 1102 English Composition II 3 Prerequisite grade of C or higher in Engl 1101 This course is designed to develop writing skills beyond the levels of proficiency required by English 1101 It stresses critical reading and writing and incorporates several research methods readings will be drawn from a wide variety of texts A passing grade is C In addition to the skills acquired in Engl 1101 by the end of the course students will be able to analyze evaluate document and draw inferences from various sources identify select and analyze appropriate research methods research questions and evidence for a specific rhetorical situation use argumentative strategies and genres in order to engage various audiences integrate others ideas with their own use grammatical stylistic and mechanical formats and conventions appropriate to rhetorical situations and audience constraints produce well reasoned argumentative essays demonstrating rhetorical engagement reflect on what contributed to their writing process and evaluate their own work Engl 1103 Advanced English Composition 3 Prerequisite admission by permission of department A passing grade is C This course is designed to help students develop sophisticated written texts It emphasizes critical reading analysis and writing while incorporating advanced research methods In addition because it replaces English 1101 and 1102 it incorporates the primary goals of each of those courses but also emphasizes more intensive analysis By the end of this course students will be able to engage in writing as a process including various invention heuristics gathering evidence considering audience drafting revising editing and proofreading demonstrate the collaborative social aspects of writing including the ability to use writing as a tool for learning analyze evaluate document and draw inferences from various sources identify select and analyze appropriate research methods questions and evidence for a specific rhetorical situation use grammatical stylistic and mechanical formats and conventions appropriate to various audiences and disciplines integrate others ideas with their own produce well reasoned argumentative essays demonstrating rhetorical engagement reflect on what contributed to their writing process and evaluate their own work

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