Math 1113 Precalculus SYLLABUS Fall 2009 LECTURES TTH 9 30a 10 45a in Life Sciences C112 Bldg 1057 and TTH 11 00a 12 15p in Life Sciences C114 Bldg 1057 MS WHITEHEAD OFFICE Boyd GSRC 328A Phone 706 542 0945 Email susan math uga edu OFFICE HOURS Boyd 328A MWF 10a 11a TTh 12 30p 1 00p Or by appointment COURSE WEBSITE contains course content test schedule tutoring info test registration link etc http www math uga edu 116 1113home htm HW TEST WEB SERVER https www webassign net TEXT Swokowski Cole Precalculus Functions and Graphs UGA Edition Thomson ISBN 10 14240 8241 2 or ISBN 13 978 104240 8241 4 this is the UGA edition but you may purchase the 11th edition of the entire text ISBN 10 0495108375 or ISBN 13 9780495108375 COURSE DESCRIPTION OBJECTIVES This course is designed to prepare a student for calculus It is the culmination of the study of function prior to calculus The successful student will complete an algebra review a detailed study of functions and models and study of specific functions including powers exponentials logarithms rational functions and trigonometric functions and demonstrate understanding of each This study includes solving equations involving the relevant functions In addition a successful student will be able to model functions and apply the models to concrete settings The complete content list can be found on the web at http www math uga edu undergraduate 1113 pdf See the appended list of suggested homework problems to see the sections of Swokowski Cole we will cover REQUIREMENTS There is a prerequisite of placement into Math 1113 PROMPT COMPLETE ATTENDANCE is expected at all classes Professional courtesy toward your instructor and your classmates is expected Tests may be made up in the event of University of Georgia athletics arrangements in advance only or documented illness There is no makeup of homework or quizzes there are scores dropped instead TESTS QUIZZES Five tests are scheduled on 9 4 9 23 10 9 10 28 and 11 18 All tests are taken on computer in Boyd GSRC rooms 220 and 324 Tests are taken outside of class time during the hours 9 a m 10 p m no admittance after 10 p m A picture ID is required to take each test Each student must go to the Math 1113 website to register for a time to take each test Make up tests will be given only in the case of unavoidable absences usually illness with written documentation It is the responsibility of the student to contact me as soon as possible and definitely before the next attended class meeting to make appropriate arrangements for making up any missed test In order to make up the final exam documentation must be provided There will be 11 webquizzes to be completed online by the scheduled due date and there may be additional announced in class quizzes Webquizzes and in class quizzes will not be accepted late The comprehensive final exam is scheduled by YOU during finals week TECHNOLOGY The TI 83 84 model calculators are strongly recommended They will be allowed on some quizzes At exams a calculator will be available on the PC GRADING Homework 3 The online homework is essential practice for webquizzes and tests so I will require completion of all online homework dropping the lowest 3 scores In class quizzes 7 In class quizzes are worth 10 points each Webquizzes 5 There are 11 webquiz assignments and I will drop the 3 lowest scores Tests 12 each There are 5 tests and your final exam score will replace the lowest test score if higher Final Exam 25 The final is cumulative Grading Scale 93 100 A 90 92 A 88 89 B 83 87 B 80 82 B C 70 72 C 60 69 D and below 60 is an F 78 79 C 73 77 ATTENDANCE POLICY Students are allowed no more than 3 unexcused absences On the fourth unexcused absence a student may be withdrawn from the course with a grade of WP or WF definitely WF after midpoint Do not regard these 3 allowed absences as personal free days These are only to be used in cases of personal or family emergencies In some cases verification may be required ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY All academic work must meet the standards contained in A Culture of Honesty http www uga edu honesty and there is a link to read the document Students are responsible for informing themselves about those standards before performing any academic work This policy defends the academic integrity of all student work and will be uniformly applied to all students in the class ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATION If you have a documented learning disability you should contact the Disability Resource Center http www drc uga edu about welcomeletter php REMARKS Questions are encouraged at all times Scheduling difficulties can be amicably settled by PRIOR discussion One aspect of being a member of a community of scholars is to show respect for others by the way you behave One way of showing respect for others in the educational community is to do your part to create or maintain an environment that is conducive to learning That being said allowing your pager or cell phone to ring in class is completely inappropriate because it distracts your classmates and thus degrades their overall classroom experience Answering your cell phone is doubly inappropriate For the sake of your classmates I expect you to turn off your pager and or cell phone or set it to mute silence BEFORE you enter class every class Similarly using laptops during class for anything but notetaking is not appropriate Furthermore if in the instructor s opinion phone laptop pager usage becomes a problem then the offending party will be expelled from class Notice that there is no class on the dates 9 7 10 30 11 23 11 27 and 12 8 Tuesday 12 8 will operate on a Friday schedule The last day to drop any course is October 22 The deadline to switch sections is September 16 The course syllabus is a general plan for the course deviations announced to the class by the instructor may be necessary It is the responsibility of the student to seek clarification of the grading policy and or course requirements and procedures from the instructor
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