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BY 123 3B INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY I Course Outline Fall 2007 Mondays Wednesdays 5 30 6 45 PM Instructor Dr Chuck Amsler PREREQUISITES CH 115 and 116 or concurrent enrollment for Biology majors or premed others are advised to also take BY115 and BY 116 before BY 123 Date 22 Aug Topic Introduction to Biology 27 29 Water and Its Chemistry Carbon and Molecular Diversity 5 Sept Structure and Function of Macromolecules 5 10 12 Structure and Function of Macromolecules continued The Cell 5 6 17 19 The Cell continued Cell Membranes and Their Function 6 7 24 Introduction to Metabolism 8 25 26 Optional Review Session at 5 00 PM in CH 274 EXAM 1 Chapters 1 7 1 3 Oct Cellular Respiration 9 8 10 Photosynthesis Mitosis and the Cell Cycle 10 12 15 17 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle Meiosis 12 13 22 23 24 Mendelian Genetics Optional Review Session at 5 00 PM in CH 274 EXAM 2 Chapters 8 9 10 12 13 14 29 31 The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance The Molecular Basis of Inheritance 15 16 5 7 Nov The Molecular Basis of Inheritance continued Transcription and Translation 16 17 12 14 16 Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria Optional Review Session at 3 00 PM in CH 274 18 19 EXAM 3 Chapters 14 18 26 28 Evolution Phylogeny How Populations Evolve 22 25 23 3 5 Dec Origin of Species Bacteria Eukaryotic Origins 24 27 28 11 12 Optional Review Session at 5 00 PM in CH 274 EXAM 4 4 15 to 5 30 PM ONLY Chapters 22 25 27 28 Schedule subject to change at the whim of the instructor Chapter 1 in part part of 2 3 4 Texts 1 2 3 4 5 Biology 7th Edition Neil Campbell REQUIRED Student Study Guide for Campbell s Biology by Martha R Taylor A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory Van DeGraff Crawley REQUIRED Biology Lab Manual Cusic Whitehead REQUIRED Biology in the Laboratory by Doris R Helms REQUIRED Course Grading Lecture 70 Lab 30 Lecture Exams 1 2 3 4 each of lecture grade In general the scale will be the standard A 90 100 B 80 89 C 70 79 D 60 69 F 60 There is no extra credit of any kind in lecture Lab credit is up to individual lab instructors Notes There may be material presented in class that is not in the textbook You are responsible for this material if you miss class Exams will cover only material presented in lecture and perhaps specific sections of the text book assigned by the instructor in class Note that this does not mean the complete chapters as listed on the syllabus The exception is Chapter 2 which is a review of parts of introductory chemistry and will only be touched on in lecture A list of additional topics you will be required to know in Chapter 2 will be presented to you in lab Attendance at scheduled examinations is mandatory Make up exams are given only in cases of medical incapacitation or specific forms of extreme hardship both with documentation and otherwise following university attendance policy You are required to contact the instructor to explain an absence no later than 24 hours after the exam to be eligible to take a make up assuming that you have a documented and legitimate excuse Make up exams are short answer essay type exams For official university business that is in conflict with the exam the student must notify the instructor of the conflict at the earliest possible date OFFICE HOURS Anytime by appointment Appointments can be set up in class by phone or by e mail Specific office hours during weeks preceding each exam will be announced in lecture Office Phone E mail 367 Campbell Hall Lab CH 373 975 5622 amsler uab edu E mail can be used for setting up appointments or for asking questions that can be answered with short simple answers e g yes no or either or questions All matters pertaining to laboratory are handled by Alan Whitehead Room 275 Campbell Hall phone 934 3158 Please turn off cell phones and pagers during class If you have an emergency situation you may request my permission to have your phone or pager on Cheating Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be reported to the appropriate university officials Punishment is explained in the student handbook The sequence BY 123 124 is designed specifically for biology majors other science majors chemistry physics etc pre health professions students pre medical pre dental pre optometry pre veterinary Health Related Professions majors and anthropology and psychology majors The courses are in depth treatments fast paced and presume the above specific career goals It is our experience that students with majors other than those above are less successful academically in this sequence and we actively discourage such students from participation in it The Biology Department offers several courses designed for students seeking to satisfy general degree requirements in the science area If you are majoring in Business Humanities or Social and Behavioral Sciences other than anthropology or psychology we recommend BY 101 Topics in Contemporary Biology BY 102 Laboratory for BY 101 ENV 108 Human Population and the Earth s Environment ENV 109 Laboratory for ENV 108 BY 111 Extended Topics in Contemporary Biology BY 112 Laboratory for BY 111 BY 115 Human Anatomy

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