MSU LIN 463 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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LIN 463 1nd Edition Exam 1 Study Guide What is cog sci Science of the mind info processing terms Computational analysis of mental life 4 Cog sci explains what it means to have a mind o How to track growth of the mind Course emphasizes o Science of mobile social info based agents o Representation transformation valuation and teaming o As critical for adaptive action intelligent behavior Useful for helping us make evolutionary or psychological action What is mind What concepts does a science of the mind have to explain to be a good theory Memory Task Self v Caps Information better remembered when it was relatable to the self Human memory information retained over time o Encoding Consolidation retrieval o What you do at encoding affects retrieval o Deeper encoding better memory o Self reference effect stronger encoding Medial Prefrontal Cortex Difference in brain region related to default mode network Self related processing can be studied Cog Science science of mobile social info based agents Representation transformation valuation and learning Marr s Levels of Analysis 1 Computation function goal why a Why is there this device What is its purpose 2 Algorithm what internal logical structure a Strategy or what something is structured to carry out its purpose or goals 3 Implementation what physical basis a How is this realized in the world b What is the physical structure that supports the algorithm and computation In terms of information processing how does a cat differ from a plant Cat has more movement Representation Representation symbol synonyms Is not THE THING itself Related to THE THING in useful ways Can be key element of computations Can allow simulation Mental representation cognitive Activities Is the world actually the world or just your own internal representation of a world that is out there Do you see the actual world or do you see your representation of the world Rep symbols Representation very general not just conscious not just images o Even though images on screen in mental rotation were the same you still rotated them in your mind to represent the image you re comparing to o Definition a representation is structured information an abstraction symbol or model that has meaning because it refers to something else So you can have apicture of a housecat refers to the cat image is not THE cat it REFERS to something in the real world Image can have different meaning to different people representation of highly intelligent creature o Useful for computation prediction control movement Planning moves in chess Ways of simulating something o The form of the rep n can matter a lot for the efficiency of the computation o A lot of the things we do are mediated linguistically Sharing stories with each other Exchanging symbols with each other to convey emotion or meaning Language used to refer to things Representation very general o In computers High low voltage on a wire logic gates 1 0 numbers bits Boolean algebra True false logic o In brains Neurons neuron activity structure connectivity o In systems what is being represented and how o Structured information has meaning because it refers to something else Turing machines TM Turing machine Bermudez ch 1 2 o o o o Conceptual bridge way of proving mathematical problems and theorems Useful for computer science Abstract model of a computing device information processing device Features to make in minimally interesting and representative of a computer Infinite tape like a cassette tape like a street with addresses lined out in linear form You can store stuff on the tape move back and forth No resource constraints limitations will not be due to lack of memory Head read write symbols move left or right table finite set of instructions or rules how to go from 1 stage to another given a symbol what to do with it current state o Turing maching A TM that can simulate any other TM is a universal TM Universal TM can compute anything computable The behavior computation is determined by table state symbol no ambiguity No ambiguity purely mechanical procedure mechanical is a metaphor meaning nothing mental or non physical algorithms some computers are written as Turing complete computing device doesn t depend so much on how it is implemented What is an algorithm An algorithm is a recipe or purely mechanical procedure Discuss and come up with algorithms for o math examples is a number even Is an integer divisible by 9 o Mental examples uncertain world Will I need an umbrella today First outside or not Get information about your current state what is important Hurrying Risk taker Care about getting wet Where is my next meal coming from How to obtain it How to win friends and influence people Carnegie If designing a social robot o Based on class discussion o Set of instructions o Process recipe o Way of going from input to output o Physical symbol system hypothesis PSS PSS hypothesis Newell Simon A PSS has the necessary and sufficient means for general intelligent action Note Symbol is same as representation Idea a PSS is a computer Importance PSS hypothesis is central to cog sci like evolution is central to biology Four key aspects o 1 symbols are physical patterns o 2 symbols can be combined to form symbol structures o 3 PSS has processes for manipulating symbols 1 2 o 4 these processes 3 can be represented symbolically within the system If you have a system that meets all 4 criteria capable of intelligent action will have ways of representing information If you have intelligent action must be because it is a PSS Necessary and sufficient for intelligent action o Intelligent action means solving problems by transforming symbol structures o Whether real intelligence or artificial intelligence i e there s no deep distinction between real and artificial Neural bases of representations Overview 1 Brain overview a This course is not about the brain but it s important to refamiliarize with parts of the brain that are important for this course 2 Modularity from neurons to blobs localized specialization of function 3 Candidate high level module for faces 4 Neuroplasticity growth and change 5 Recap Brain somatic representation on D2L Slides Each hemisphere has all the 4 lobes FPOT Frontal parietal occipital temporal Dorsal stream towards the back where the brain starts out developmentally o Spatial processing where Ventral stream o Object identification what The 2 streams flow information through the brain Modularity What are the functional units Where

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MSU LIN 463 - Exam 1 Study Guide

Type: Study Guide
Pages: 15
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