UNC-Chapel Hill ENGL 105 - OurBlack Submission Guidelines

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Not Quite African American Black immigrants and First Generation Americans Our Black Submission Guidelines The aim of Our Black is to create a book comprised of narratives on the Black Experience and the multiplicity of Blackness The goal of Our Black is to build a collection of narratives that reflect the diverse experiences of Black folk one which could be used to better understand the complexity depth and challenges of Being and living Black Submission Guidelines We are interested in short and long pieces Documents should be formatted for readability Please use 12 point Times New Roman font doublespaced Also include a single paragraph bio up to 80 words You are welcome to include your website link Submit one autobiographical essay or first person creative nonfiction essays memoirs in one document Length of each piece should be between 325 and 650 words give or take One submission per theme please Simultaneous submissions are OK as long as you specify which theme each essay pertains to The book Our Black will be divided into these thematic chapters Acceptance and Ambiguous Blackness Multi Racial Identity in America This chapter calls for narratives by individuals who have struggled with a multi ethnic multi racial identity in respect to a Blackness that must be justified validated explained defended and constantly proven Acceptance can apply to both self acceptance and peer acceptance trying to decide where you fit in and dealing with others determined to decide for you In what ways has the complexity of your ethnic racial make up influenced your personal identity In what ways has it influenced the degree to which others have accepted or excluded you Be A Man The Burden of Black Masculinity Theories on what it means to be a real man have permeated the fibers of our society dictating how men act think and treat other men as well as women Its constraints are even more prevalent within the Black community having plagued men and boys via predetermined notions of manliness derived from Black stereotypes and archetypes Some would even call it a burden For these submissions write about your personal experiences as a Black man in this country Discuss how perceptions of masculinity have affected your life as a Black man What struggles if any have you faced as a result of it What does Black masculinity mean to you What constitutes manliness How does this transcend your experience and affect the Black community as a whole Binary Minorities Being Both Black and LGBTQ IA Black Americans identifying as LGBTQ may find themselves in the challenging position of a double minority racism prevents them from being fully accepted and understood by predominantly white LGBT communities and homophobia remains an obstacle to their full acceptance in the Black community Marginalized with regard to their race sexuality and potentially gender as well the discrimination bigotry and violence threatening the well being of Black LGBTQ individuals affects their lives in a multitude of ways This chapter focuses on the challenges of being both Black and LGBTQ in America What discrimination have you faced as a result of being Black and LGBTQ Discuss how perceptions of gender and sexual orientation have affected your life What struggles if any have you faced as a result of it Never Black Enough Outside the Scope of Legitimate Blackness Black people don t do that and You act white are phrases we may have heard used or had hurled at some point in time for behaving outside a strictly defined notion of Blackness Many have narrow definitions of what it means to be Black and those that fall outside of that scope aren t being Black enough Yet Blackness has always been diverse and complex Contrary to popular belief there is no wrong or right way to be Black Have you been ostracized for your individualized notion of Blackness What challenges and opposition have you faced for being outside the scope of legitimate Blackness The Intersection of Gender and Race Being a Black Woman in America Being both Black and female in America lends itself to a particular set of experiences characterized by the compounded effects of the adversity resulting from both one s race and gender For these submissions write about your personal experiences as a Black woman in this country and or address any of the following note these are just suggestions you need not cover multiple topics The pressure to defy stereotypes particular to Black women Our media portrayal for example reality television and our resulting popular perception Racial fetishization The impossibility of living up to Eurocentric standards of beauty experiences relating to colorism hair body image etc The victimization and subsequent silencing of Black women violence and harassment Feeling misunderstood by non Blacks and unwanted disrespected by Black men Not Quite African American Black Immigrants First Generation Americans Immigrants as well as the children of first generation parents tell a different tale of the Black experience in America This chapter comprises the narratives of direct members of the African Diaspora whose lack of bloodline in America i e no ties to American slavery and the Civil Rights Movement to some render them not quite African American Those of direct African Caribbean or any other international Black descent are African American by definition but do not descend from Blacks that have been in America for centuries has the lack of direct ties to the United States ever left you feeling distant from other Blacks Have you struggled assimilating to or balancing both Black culture in America and your native land s culture Black Self Identity How Much is Blackness Defined by Whiteness In many ways one s sense of Blackness is influenced by our society s everpresent whiteness You may address any of the following questions in your narrative When did you realize you were Black are there specific childhood experiences that led to your sense of racial awareness and cultural consciousness When did you recognize the consequences and significance of the shade of your skin How are your thoughts actions influenced by your constant awareness of the white gaze Have you experienced the pressure of feeling like your actions are a reflection of the entire black race and therefore feeling as though you must defy Black stereotypes so as to prove to non Blacks the diversity of Blackness Describe the circumstances under which you find yourself code switching in regard to your

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UNC-Chapel Hill ENGL 105 - OurBlack Submission Guidelines

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