UNC-Chapel Hill BIOL 101 - 1_First_class

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Biol 101 Principles of Biology Dr Kelly Hogan kelly hogan unc edu Not registered and trying to be Sign up on one of the forms located in front I cannot register you for Biol 101Lab All lab questions to Barbara Stegenga bstegenga ad unc edu Labs don t begin this week Lab information The lab director is Barbara Stegenga bstegenga ad unc edu Contact Ms Stegenga for ALL lab questions Not enrolled in a lab but want to be Try attending the section you hope to get into See Sakai for Lab Schedule Bring your lab manual to the first laboratory meeting which will last the full period Laboratory Exercises for Biology 101 is available in Student Stores The BIOL 101 101L placement test will be given on Thursday September 5 4 00 to 6 00 p m in Coker Hall room 201 Students who choose to take the test given after the semester starts must maintain enough credit hours to drop Biology 101 and lab if credit is awarded This means having 12 academic hours in addition to the Biology 101 hours to be dropped See biology department website or our sakai site for more information Todays objectives To introduce ourselves to each other To complete a short get to know you assignment not graded To describe the basic components of this course To differentiate Bloom s thinking types INTRODUCTIONS first me then you Show of hands Biology majors Science majors Prehealth career Took only one year of biology in high school Two years Meet and greet Take 2 minutes and introduce yourself to the people sitting next to you and behind in front of you You will need this number from me if you don t see it After entering seat don t forget to hit OK First years Non first years Seniors What county are you from Short assignment We ll take about 10 minutes to complete this and then we ll collect it Todays objectives To introduce ourselves to each other To complete a short get to know you assignment not graded To describe the basic components of this course To differentiate Bloom s thinking types This course should provide you with the basic language and principles of biology Biology 101 Foundation of the Biological Sciences Spanish 101 Foundation of the Spanish Language Two times per week Completed BEFORE CLASS About 3 hours of work My expectations for how YOU will approach the course 1 Read assigned chapter or additional material as outlined in the schedule 2 Use Guided Reading questions while you read to ensure you are actively thinking about what you are reading and realize this is what I want you to get out of the reading This is your course content There is not lecture for this course Check how well you learned on your own Do Mastering Biology assignment to check if you learned from your reading assignment Get questions wrong This is the point to find out what you are unsure about This is a learning tool not a quizzing tool Not useful if you haven t done the reading first Homeworks are due SUNDAY S AND THURSDAY S BY 11 55 PM First two are scheduled to be due tomorrow night Some review built in to these too MWF 9 9 50 15 min I am guiding you to find the holes in your understanding Not a lecture Attend class Be ready to participate Have notecards poll everywhere device guided reading questions completed 15 minute reflection post class What holes are there in my understanding What questions do I still need answered What did I learn Use various ways to continue the learning don t put off this content until right before the exam Supplemental Instruction bring questions Meet classmates to go over guided reading answers or to make quizzes for each other Make your own study sheets re do Mastering assignments or use study area in Mastering Concept maps flow charts teach someone explain to a wall etc You decide but be original don t just re read Go to Learning Center for tutoring or Hogan Cell review with Robin Blanton Go back to powerpoints from each class see Sakai Re think activities and poll Qs update your guided reading and class notes SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION SI An easy way to be active in your reviewing throughout the week Offered 3 5 times a week Each session is 1 hour Not required but strongly recommended Attendees have high satisfaction and score half a grade better on average SI instructors Abe Sterling Megan Flynn and Kirby Varnadoe Russ Order these A Mastering Biology B Come to class C Read chapter D Answer Guided Reading Qs Todays objectives To introduce ourselves to each other To complete a short get to know you assignment not graded To describe the basic components of this course To differentiate Bloom s thinking types Construct a list of places in the cell cycle that would make good cancer drug targets Predict what would happen to mitosis when a drug taxol is used to inhibit microtubules Calculate the number of chromosomes that would be found in a cell that starts with 36 chromosomes after mitosis and after meiosis Illustrate the outcome of mitosis if DNA replication does not occur The four steps of mitosis can be ordered as prophase metaphase anaphase telophase Mitosis is defined as when cells divide Bloom s taxonomy High school biology Fast Poll How do you learn a concept best 1 Listening to someone explain lecture 2 Drawing or diagramming the steps 3 Explaining it aloud to someone else 4 Writing it in my own words 5 Being quizzed If you aren t working actively and at higher Bloom s levels What will you remember from college 5 years after you graduate http www youtube com watch v kO8x8eo U3L4 noredirect 1 Kelly Hogan s Biology course at the 5 Minute University The goal of life is to survive long enough to pass along your genes 4 things you need to do by next class 1 Print the syllabus schedule and keep for reference 2 Read the textbook assignments listed in outlines and complete the first guided reading assignment in the outline 3 Complete the online Mastering Biology homework assignment Due tomorrow night 4 Register smartphone laptop for UNC Wi Fi and Learning Catalytics Biol 101 Principles of Biology Welcome aboard Dr Kelly Hogan Kelly Hogan unc edu Biol 101 Not registered and trying to be Sign up on one of the forms located on the stage I cannot register you for Biol 101Lab All lab questions to Barbara Stegenga bstegenga ad unc edu Labs don t begin this week

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UNC-Chapel Hill BIOL 101 - 1_First_class

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