Syllabus CSCI 640 Operating Systems Instructor Dr Bob Roggio Prerequisites CSCI 311 CSCI 340 Web Page Email http www ecst csuchico edu broggio broggio2000 yahoo com Textbook Operating System Concepts 7th Edition Silberschatz Galvin and Gagne John Wiley ISBN 0 471 69466 5 Course Description Continuation of Operating Systems principles and features with emphasis on advanced topics normally not covered in an undergraduate course Such topics will include protection security distributed operating systems distributed files and other such topics Course Schedule Coverage of material should include the chapters of your textbook starting with Chapter 10 Anticipated Grading Exam 1 Exam 2 Homework Papers Projects 25 25 25 25 So everyone is on a common ground the course will backup a bit and start materials with File Systems Advanced topics will begin after these chapters There will be no set schedule for exams When we arrive at an appropriate exam place I will schedule the exam But I can be quite flexible here One day is as good as another Homework Homework assignments will be posted on my webpage along with anticipated due dates It is anticipated that there will be a number of specific homework assignments Most of these will likely come from the end of the chapters we study but perhaps not all Additional small short papers and projects will be periodically assigned but these are not major efforts For example I may ask you to research some information on a specific topic and submit a two or three paper summary of the information you found Lecture Presentations Will all be done using power point slides While these are provided by the book publisher I will be supplementing them very significantly from time to time You may download the publisher s slides by accessing their web page I will also post my take on these slides from which the live lectures will occur on my webpage More If you have any questions along the way please do not hesitate to email me at any time I am very attentive to my email and will respond right away Questions might arise from my presentation of the materials homework programming assignments exams or other items This is a super important course and an absolutely essential course for computer science students and practitioners Work hard and have fun We ve lots to learn
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