Network Protocols Internet Control Message Protocol ICMP TDC375 Spring 2009 10 John Kristoff DePaul University 1 ICMP overview Primarily used for error and status messages Some security dweebs seem to fear ICMP Lets be rational regarding ICMP ICMP is kind of like many protocols in one All ICMP messages have 3 common fields TYPE CODE CHECKSUM Otherwise ICMP messages can vary widely TDC375 Spring 2009 10 John Kristoff DePaul University 2 By way of example Extract of my standard iptables ruleset icmp ingress egress p icmp icmp type echo reply j ACCEPT p icmp icmp type destination unreachable j ACCEPT p icmp icmp type echo request j ACCEPT p icmp icmp type time exceeded j ACCEPT p icmp icmp type parameter problem j ACCEPT p icmp j DROP TDC375 Spring 2009 10 John Kristoff DePaul University 3 ICMP echo echo reply This is the heart of the infamous ping ID and sequence numbers match ping to reply The variable length data is echoed back TDC375 Spring 2009 10 John Kristoff DePaul University 4 ICMP destination unreachable Returned to a sender by a router host or firewall Host net protocol port unreachables Administratively prohibited Fragmentation needed and DF was set Filtering has caused problems thx dweebs And some more but not typically very common Includes original IP header 64 bits This can be handy for debugging TDC375 Spring 2009 10 John Kristoff DePaul University 5 ICMP time exceeded Almost always a TTL has expired Fragmentation reassembly expired rare Perhaps you re doing a traceroute Perhaps there is a routing loop You again get IP header 64 bits TDC375 Spring 2009 10 John Kristoff DePaul University 6 ICMP parameter problem I don t think I ve ever seen this in practice Could probably do w o it but seems harmless I m a little more liberal in what I accept Some sort of datagram header processing error TDC375 Spring 2009 10 John Kristoff DePaul University 7 Other ICMP messages of note Source quench ineffective as congestion control knob Redirect You want to know if you re getting them But you don t want them Timestamp netmask etc requests These just seem to be information leaks to me TDC375 Spring 2009 10 John Kristoff DePaul University 8
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