Pitt CHEM 0310 - Discussion Board

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2091 10690 CHEM 0310 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1 2091 10690 DISCUSSION BOARD Discussion Board Forum Display Forum Order Chem 0320 in Spring 2009 1 Search Total Posts 3 Unread Total Posts Participants 1 3 Modify Manage Remove Copy I ll be teaching Organic Chemistry 2 in the spring MWF at 9am Currently the class looks to be a bit bigger than our current class Over the next couple of weeks I ll be setting up the course grading scheme number and type of exams online tutoring what we do in recitation etc If you wanted to provide some input into the course design please use this forum to do so What in particular was beneficial to you this term Is there something else that should be added to the course to help foster learning 2 I ve set up this forum so anonymous posts are allowed though I d prefer to know who submits so I can follow up the thread with a more in depth discussion if warranted Not Taking Orgo Lab Simultaneously with Lecture 2 0 2 Modify Manage Remove Copy 0 0 0 Modify Manage Remove Copy The Organic Division of the Chemistry department is initiating a discussion of how best to accommodate as many students as possible in taking Orgo Lab I Chem 0330 during the same semester as Orgo I Lecture Chem 0310 Please use this discussion board forum to let us know why you are NOT taking both lab and lecture at the same time Two bits of information about what catalzyed the start of the discussion First 29 of 106 students who responded to a MW 6pm section poll stated they were not taking lab simultaneously because all sections were closed Yet the lab coordinator currently lists 23 open seats for Orgo I lab Please let us know what lab sections you preferred what you did and or know about the wait list procedure Would a Thursday afternoon section help Would you take a Saturday morning Orgo lab For this forum I ve allowed Anonymous posts but you are also welcome to sign your posts We hope to have a discussion sometime next week so a prompt posting would be appreciated We recognize this is not a thorough or scientific investigation about the problem We view this a quick and dirty fact finding exercise to see if more substantial efforts are warranted 3 Prof G Best Time for Virtual Fishbowl Tutoring Hours All Chem 0310 Chem 0320 and Chem 0730 students should also be enrolled in a Blackboard Organization called CHEM ORG 2091 Virtual Fishbowl This is designed to be a distance version of the Real Fishbowl i e an on line place where you can get person to person tutoring The department is trying to get us a total of 4 hours of tutoring time My question to you is when is the best time for this web based resource to be staffed Our current place is to staff it 9 11pm on Sunday nights in order to help answer questions that may arise with the Chem 0310 take home exams due on Monday Use this forum to suggest times and feedback on the Virtual Tutoring We ll keep an eye on the posts and make what changes we can this term and more of the appropriate changes for future offerings if there are such 4 of this resource Textbook Typos 2 points extra credit for the first posting correctly identifying any unknown typo in our textbook chapters known ones are listed on the summary page for each chapter For reference by our textbook I mean the exact one one identified on our Course Information page Start a new thread for each new typo identified and be sure to use the following title for your post 39 0 13 Modify Manage Remove Copy 0 0 0 Modify Manage Remove Copy 5 0 4 Modify Manage Remove Copy Typo Chapter X page ABC Periodically I will review posts and copy the ones to receive extra credit points to the appropriate Chapter Summary page Maximum of 10 points per student via this Extra Credit option 5 6 Please note that our textbook includes only the textbook and not the answer book Challenges with the Solutions Manual Use this forum to post comments and suggestions about problems or potential problems with the Solutions Manual Anonymous posts are allowed here as well as the ability to edit or remove your own messages I suggest a new thread for every new challenge you post This forum will not be moderated nor are extra credit points awarded for identifying errors in the Answer Book Student to student Forum Use this forum to advertise for study groups to organize student led review sessions or to share resources to succeed in Organic Chemistry The forum is set to i allow New Threads ii allow the author to modify a message after posting and iii to allow the author to remove own posted messages File attachments and anonymous posts are not allowed

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Pitt CHEM 0310 - Discussion Board

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