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Page 1 I451 Syllabus 2006 Designing and Developing an Information System - I450/I451 Spring 2006 Course Syllabus Course Description: Senior undergraduate students work on capstone projects in supervised teams. Teams select an appropriate project (preferably based on cognate specialty area), then learn to develop a plan that leads to success. Teamwork, communication, and organizational skills are emphasized in a real-world styled environment. Instructor: Dennis Groth Email: [email protected] Eigenmann 1038 Phone: 855-5886 Informatics 301 Phone: 856-3137 Home: 331-2296 (Emergency only) Cell: 325-8882 (Emergency only) Office Hours: M 9-10, or by appointment. Office hours held in Informatics 301 Lecturer: Matt Hottell Email: [email protected] Informatics 302 Phone: 855-1096 Cell: 325-8218 (Emergency only) Office Hours: TBA. Associate Instructors: David Kintgen Email: [email protected] Informatics 301 Phone: 856-3137 Office Hours: TBA. Sean Boyle Email: [email protected] Informatics 301 Phone: 856-3137 Office Hours: TBA. Ryan Varick Email: [email protected] Informatics 301 Phone: 856-3137 Office Hours: TBA. Meeting times: Lab sections meet in Informatics 109 Monday, Wednesday 9:15-10:30 (17753) Monday, Wednesday 10:30-11:45 (17754) Tuesday, Thursday 2:30-3:45 (17755) Tuesday, Thursday 4:00-5:15 (17756)Page 2 I451 Syllabus 2006 Weekly Status Meetings: At least one member of your project team must signup for and attend a status meeting with one of the instructors each week. This duty must be rotated among the members of your team. The meetings will be scheduled in 15 minute increments from 8:30-11:45 on Wednesdays and 1:00-5:00 on Thursdays. Your team must deliver a status report prior to the scheduled meeting that details what activities are planned for the next week as well as what was accomplished in the previous week. More meeting times are available as necessary. For any unexcused meeting that is missed by the team your project grade will be reduced by 2 percentage points. The lab is exclusively available for you to work on your projects during the scheduled meeting times. One of the instructors will always be present during the scheduled class times. We will continue the technology seminars during the labs. You are still responsible for attending and completing at least 14 technology seminars over the course of the full year. In addition to the classroom, the 003 room in the basement is available with card access for working on your projects on a first-come, first-served basis. However, it is not fair to “move in” to the basement rooms. We will monitor the use of the rooms to see if additional rules for acceptable use are necessary. One key success factor for your team will be to avoid “surprising” the instructors. This means that when a serious issue arises you report it in your weekly status meeting with one of the instructors. Do not hide problems you encounter! We are here to help, not just to evaluate. Weekly Checkup Meetings: Every student must meet with one of the Associate Instructors each week during the semester. The purpose of the meeting is just to touch base and to allow students to get specific assistance or guidance from the Associate Instructors. Students should be prepared to show what they are working on for their project. Once a month you will be asked to complete a survey measuring use of collaborative tools. If your last name begins with Then you will meet with A – F Sean Boyle G – N Dave Kintgen N – Z Ryan Varick Missing checkup meetings is cause for concern and will result in a process of escalated notices. The first missed meeting will result in an email message from the AI. For any other meeting that is missed your project grade will be reduced by 2 percentage points.Page 3 I451 Syllabus 2006 Technology Seminars: Throughout the year we will be developing, and delivering topical seminars (during the scheduled labs and other scheduled times) on a variety of technologies/techniques. The need for these seminars has arisen from our past experience with the diverse range of skills and interests of students in the course. The emphasis of the seminars is on learning how to use a specific technology – ideally aimed at solving a problem related to your project. You are encouraged to suggest topics that you are interested in learning. You must attend and successfully complete at least 14 seminars (or equivalent) during the year to receive full credit for this portion of your course grade. Due dates for technology seminar deliverables are one week after the seminar unless a written agreement from one of the course instructors is provided. Extra credit may be earned by attending more than 14 seminars. You must hand in all of your seminar assignments by April 14 in order to receive credit. Status Reporting: You must submit a weekly written status report that identifies your activities relative to the course. The reports are per project team with detailed sections for each team member. You will be provided with a template, or software to facilitate the reporting. Like the technology seminars you must submit a report every week in order to receive full credit. When your group is formed the reports will be per project, with the expectation that you are communicating individual status within your team. Create a resource folder in your Oncourse project site and deposit your status reports into it by Monday morning noon. Deliverables: The single most important thing that students should focus on is meeting due dates for deliverables. We will provide guidelines for when the deadlines will occur. Your group will suggest the deadlines and we will review and approve them. Once a deadline is set you may only change a deadline if we approve the change. You will report your progress towards the deliverables on your master project plan. If you are at risk of missing a deadline you must explicitly report this in your status reports, along with an explanation of why the situation has occurred and what you are doing to remedy the problem. Communications: We will utilize Oncourse for all course communications. Home Page: www.informatics.indiana.edu/dgroth/courses/i450Page 4 I451 Syllabus 2006 Grading: Half of your final grade is derived from your project, the bulk of which is completed in the second

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