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Instructor Roberta J Perpich MSW Phone 480 731 8866 12556 VM E mail address rjperpich aol com Office hours By appointment Course Syllabus Introduction to Social Work Semester Course Section Classroom Class time Fall 2004 SWU 291 6320 MA 103 5 45 7 00 PM MW Course Description Purposes structures and delivery systems of human service agencies Includes 40 hours of volunteer experience in local human service agencies Prerequisites Eligibility for SWU 102 or SWU 271 or permission of the department This course transfers to ASU Main West as SWU 291 TEXT 2002 Directory of Human Services Maricopa County 25th Anniversary Edition Phoenix AZ Community Information and Referral Wells Carolyn Cressy 1999 Social Work Day to Day The Experience of Generalist Social Work Practice Third Edition White Plains NY Longman Inc Woodside Marianne McClam Tricia 1998 Generalist Case Management Pacific Grove CA Brooks Cole Publishing Co Course Competencies This course is designed to develop the following competencies 1 2 3 4 Describe the organization administration and funding of human service agencies Describe the practice of social work in a human service setting Describe the relationship among self professional identification and agency work roles Explain the importance of social work ethics and values in working as a social worker w in an agency 5 Describe the concept of human diversity and explain how social work ethics and values guide professional behavior 6 Describe the role of generalist practice and case management in human services 7 Describe and apply the problem solving process as it relates to social work 8 Describe the process of assessment and service planning in human service agencies 9 Describe the role of service and support monitoring in case management and generalist practice 10 Describe and apply skills in identifying linking and coordinating community resources to meet client needs Attendance Students are expected to attend class Students who accumulate unofficial absences in excess of the number of times class meets per week may be withdrawn Students are responsible for for obtaining information covered in class and making up missed work Quizzes and group projects that are done during class hours can not be made up Absences do not excuse students from completing assignments on time Grading and Tests Four 4 tests worth 100 points each Written projects Oral Presentation 400 points 50 points 50 points Make up exams must be arranged prior to or within 24 hours of the exam Late written projects will have ten 10 points deducted for each day late Extra credit opportunities may be granted through bonus questions on tests 450 500 points 400 449 points 350 499 points 300 349 points 299 points or less A B C D F GENERAL SCHEDULE OF TOPICS ACTIVITIES NO CLASS MONDAY 9 6 04 DUE TO OBSERVANCE OF LABOR DAY Part One Wells Part Two Wells 9 7 04 Volunteer agency must be chosen and presentation due dates will be scheduled First test after completion of the above approximately 9 22 04 Part Three Wells Part Four Wells Part Five Wells Part Six Wells Professional Choices and Development Chapters 1 5 Practice Skills Chapters 6 10 Human Diversity and Human Behavior in the Social Environment Chapters 11 16 Policy Issues Chapters 17 21 Values Social Justice Issues and Populations at Risk Chapter 22 25 Epilogue Chapter 26 Second test after completion of the above approximately 10 11 04 Part Seven Part Eight Case Management Introduction History and Model Chapters 1 3 Case management Assessment Phase Intake Interviewing Skills Service Delivery Plan Chapters 4 6 Third test after completion of the above approximately 11 15 04 Part Nine Part Ten Case Management Building a Case File Service Coordination Working w in the Organizational Context Chapters 7 9 Case Management Ethical and Legal Issues Professional Deve4lopment Case Management Today Chapter 10 12 Final per final exam schedule DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES PROJECTS PAPER Written Papers This paper will be a summary of your volunteer experience in a Human Service Agency When choosing an agency to volunteer with choose an agency who works w the population you are interested in or one that you feel you would like to learn more about The guidelines are as follows Choose an agency and get instructors and agency approval Paper is to be written in APA format Library and GCC Psychological Department website Paper must be a least five 5 pages in length but not more than six 8 pages excluding the cover sheet and reference pages Paper must include a discussion of at least six different agencies in addition to the agency you are volunteering at and shall include The purpose and function of each agency The population served The special needs of this population The agency funding What are the pros and cons of working w this population A description of your role as a volunteer the impact on your professional choices or goals A description of what you have gained from your volunteer experience Presentation The oral presentation will be your opportunity to share with your peers the information that you learned while researching your area of interest in social work The oral presentation is limited to ten 10 minutes Use your time wisely to provide an overview of what you learned Be creative and have fun Visual aids and handouts are possible ways to enhance your presentation Papers will be handed in prior to your presentation Cellular Phones must turned off during class period If you require accommodations for a disability please notify DSR in SPS 31 or call 623 845 3080 INSTRUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO AMEND THIS SCHEDULE

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MCCCD SWU 291 - Syllabus

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