HIST 2620 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Three Geographic zones of Development a New South Movement i Goal ii Leader iii Success or failure Outline of Current Lecture II Three Geographic zones of Development b Settlement of the West i Western thirds of US settled by 1890 ii This last frontier was different iii Mining frontier 1860 80 iv Cattle frontier 1865 85 Current Lecture Emergence of the US as a World Economic Power I Three Geographic Zones of Development b Settlement of the West i Western third of US settled by 1890 1 Established institutions in west churches schools etc 2 Broke the power of Indian tribes ii This last frontier was different 1 This frontier was a moving line Jamestown was just one small area the Europeans could control 2 Typography is different either wide open spaces of high mountains 3 More dry fewer bodies of water less rain 4 Order of settlement a Miners first gold mines b Cattle raisers c Farmers d Townspeople iii Mining frontier 1860 1880 1 Pattern of mining settlement These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute a Panning for gold first method to mine gold b Placer mining wooden troughs system c Lode mining underground tunnels very dangerous i Lode thick vein of gold or silver running through rock d Once miners leave to go to another location for gold small towns future ghost towns were lef e Main areas of mining in the west i Denver CO ii Comstock Lode Western Nevada iii Nothern Rockies iv Mid 70s Dakotas 2 Life in mining towns a Freights were brought to them b Young men acted very recklessly sometimes immoral i James B Wild Bill Hickok fancy dresser usually a lawman 3 Significance of the mining frontier a Opened the eyes of the rest of the county to the West before this they thought it was a wastelant b Miners prepared the way for future settlers c Found gold and silver that greatly enriched and stimulated economy d It has been a rich source of literature and entertainment iv Cattle Frontier 185 1886 1 Rise of the western cattle business a Natural resources wide open free food grass free cattle free horses b Rise of an urban industrial East i Factory workers had to be fed cheapest meat cattle from western frontier c People who got into cattle business already knew about cattle business
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