ANP 370 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Exam on Tuesday February 11 2014 II History of Tobacco a Role of States b State Tax c Industrial Production III History of Alcohol Cultural Approaches a CMA on Alcohol Outline of Current Lecture IV AIDS a In the US b Globally c Inequality and AIDs V Big Pharma Lecture Exam Tuesday 36 mult choice 4 fill in blank 4 matching 6 true false Majority of questions are from class lectures Lecture Slides from today are posted on ANGEL AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome 60 mil people infected with HIV around the world as of 2009 These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Statistics of AIDS at a glance will not be on the exam just know the staggering numbers that result from AIDS statistics 16 6 mil children have lost a parent from HIV AIDS fastest growing in Eastern Europe Latin America and parts of Asia Half of new HIV infections occur in people 15 24 years old AIDS in the US AIDS first discovered in the US in 1981 During 1980 45 young men primarily gay men were diagnosed with HIV infection o Researchers asked is it a result of diet environment gay lifestyle or inhalers to enhance sexual arousal o San Francisco labeled as AIDS City USA o AIDS stigmatized as gay man s disease or gay plague GRID Gay Related Immune Deficiency Scientists tried to find the cause of AIDS among gay men injection drug users blood transfusion recipients and heterosexuals in Africa The breakdown of the immune system and the connection of blood transfusion made it clear the pathogen had to be found in the blood In the 1990s news stories reported that AIDS is the major health threat of the century Yet virus of HIV is unknown The Origin Myth 1981 The Press circulated from 1981 that na exotic account that Haiti was the source and their homosexual practice is the cause of AIDS o Haitians brought the disease to our land Haitian homosexual partners have passed it on to homosexual partners from the US through prostitution But data shows that AIDs was introduced into Haiti by tourists or by returning Haitians coming from US or Europe o Very limited data but was evidence that Haitians were not responsible Origin Reality Recent study shows that the disease moved into human populations between 1884 and 1924 when urbanization took off in west central Africa Dense city populations primarily sexually active adults spread the disease at the transition of Colonial Africa to Urbanized cities HIV likely originated from nonhuman animal i e the original host of HIV 1 was chimps in the late 19th century HIV 2 came from mangabey monkeys recent type of HIV came from SIV gorilla AIDS globally In India HIV mostly concentrated among poor and marginalized groups such as commercial sex workers truck drivers and migrant laborers homosexuals and injection drug users Infection spreading rapidly to general populations Women blamed by parents for infecting their husbands or for not controlling their partners desires to have sex with other women In Caribbean Bahamas and Cuba have considerable success to AIDS prevention In former Soviet States high rates of commercial sex and injection drug use are developing the AIDS epidemic In China remains a sleeping giant o Floating populations are mostly vulnerable men that don t have what is considered to be a settled home constantly being uprooted floating floating populations Effects of AIDs Not restricted to biological events Stigma plays an important social effect on the AIDs population o dirty stereotype much like the stigma against leprosy Individual blame and punishment I have AIDs vs I am AIDs o Society blames the patient for contracting the disease AIDs and Inequality The poor are mostly affected by AIDs Gender inequality placed women as mostly vulnerable to the transmission of AIDs The poor women often have to trade sex for crack Domestic violence impedes ability to negotiate sexual behavior Social inequality is the social engine driving the global pandemic It is not about lifestyle change and individual responsibility The Big Pharma Most profitable industry in the US consistently for last 2 decades The important drugs came out mostly based on taxpayer funded research at academic institutions small biotechnology companies or the National Institutes of Health MIH The others are not innovative Marcia Angeles stepped down as CEO from drug journal to voice the truth about drug companies Sales of prescription drugs 200 billion a year Wave of neoliberalism all parties cash in on the public investment in research o Patenting and lobbying to Congress o Marketing and advertising the drugs o This is how the drug companies managed to keep making money after the market took over and they lost market control In 2001 the ten American drug companies made Fortune 500 list CEO made 74 890 918 in 2001 The profit Americans pay more money for drugs than Europeans and Canadians Great majority of drugs me too drugs o Drugs that are the same ingredients as another drug but comes out with a slight ingredient change and are marked up for more money o Example Prozac Of the 78 drugs approved by the FDA in 2002 only 17 contained new active ingredients and only 7 of these were classified by the FDA as improvements over older drugs Health as a Human Right Human rights political rights vs social and economic rights Human rights can be declared universal but the risk of having one s rights violated are not universal the poor are most likely to be victims of AIDS
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