UA OM 300 - End of Total Quality Management
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OM 300 1nd Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Define quality and TQM II Describe the ISO international quality standards III Explain what Six Sigma is IV Explain how benchmarking is used in TQM Outline of Current Lecture 1 Chart Examples 2 Inspection 3 Attributes v Variables 4 Service Quality Current Lecture Pareto Charts These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Flow Charts Statistical Process Control SPC Uses statistics and control charts to tell when to take corrective action Drives process improvement Four key steps o Measure the process o When a change is indicated find the assignable cause o Eliminate or incorporate the cause o Restart the revised process Inspection Involves examining items to see if an item is good or defective Detect a defective product o Does not correct deficiencies in process or product o It is expensive Issues o When to inspect o Where in process to inspect Many Problems o Worker fatigue o Measurement error o Process variability Cannot inspect quality into a product Robust design empowered employees and sound processes are better solutions When and Where to inspect 1 At the supplier s plant while the supplier is producing 2 At your facility upon receipt of goods from your supplier 3 Before costly or irreversible processes 4 During the step by step production process 5 When production or service is complete 6 Before delivery to your customer 7 At the point of customer contact Attributes v Variables Attributes o Items are either good or bad acceptable or unacceptable o Does not address degree of failure Variables o Measures dimensions such as weight speed height or strength o Falls within an acceptable range Use different statistical techniques TQM in Services Service quality is more difficult to measure than the quality of goods Service quality perceptions depend on o Intangible differences between products o Intangible expectations customers have of those products Service Quality The operations manager must recognize o The tangible component of services is important o The service process is important o The service is judge against the customer s expectations o Exceptions will occur Service Recovery Strategy Managers should have a plan for when services fail Marriott s LEARN routine o o o o o Listen Empathize Apologize React Notify

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UA OM 300 - End of Total Quality Management

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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