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CHEM Study of Matter I Chemistry 1011 Spring 2011 Tuesdays and Thursdays 5 30 7 10 PM BB 400 Instructor Dr S Jasmin BE 344A Telephone 215 204 1997 Fax 215 204 1532 Email sjasmin temple edu Office Hours TuWTh 1 00 PM 3 00 PM and by appointment This is an introductory chemistry course designed for non science majors or those who may wish enter a scientific field in the future but feel that they need a better background before doing so The course will meet for a total of four hours per week Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 30 to 7 10 PM in Barton Hall B 400 The format of the class periods will include lecture demonstrations discussion and quizzes I will be happy to help you with problems and or other class issues if I am not already busy with another student Text and tools The text for this course is Chemistry for Changing Times ISBN 0136054498 and the Study Guide by John W Hill and Doris K Kolb 12th Edition Pearson Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River New Jersey 2010 Lecture slides used in class will be posted on Blackboard but the lectures will not be recorded unless of course you chose to do so yourself You will need a notebook for recording lecture notes and the data collected during the lecture demonstrations Most students find a hand calculator to be helpful Calculator Policy The use of programmable and or graphing calculators on examinations or quizzes is strictly prohibited The use of PDAs cell phones and electronic or paper dictionaries is strictly prohibited No absence No lateness No early departure Chemistry is a discipline which requires not surprisingly discipline Therefore you will be expected to attend all classes arrive on time and not leave until the class is over See Dr Jasmin if you encounter an emergency you may be asked for documentation to support your claim Attendance will be taken at the beginning of every class by means of a short quiz closed book notes and mouth based on material discussed previously in the course If you arrive late you will miss the quiz there will be no make up and may be marked absent for the day Two or more absences will result in a recommendation that you drop the course Early departures will be dealt with on an individual basis Quizzes Exams and Grades Each of the daily quizzes will be worth 5 points the first and second exams will each be worth 150 points and the final exam will be worth 150 points The quizzes will generally be based on the most recent material covered the exams will be based upon all material from the beginning of the course up through and including the material discussed one week prior to the day of the exam Letter grades will not be assigned for individual quizzes and exams but a letter grade for the course will be assigned at the end of the term based upon the total of all homework quiz and exam scores Grading The maximum score is 680 points Grading Exam 1 Exam 2 Final Quizzes Homework Total 150 150 150 130 100 680 MAKE UP EXAMS QUIZZES There are no make up exams or quizzes If you miss a quiz then it will be the low quiz that you drop Your instructor will work with you in the event of a serious problem Academic Integrity All students are expected to adhere to the highest levels of academic integrity Any students found cheating i e copying answers to exam quiz or homework submitting experimental data that they did not collect presenting graphs and calculations or otherwise taking credit for work that they did not perform will receive a failing grade in the course They will also be reported to the Dean s office in the College of Science and Technology There are dire consequences Please do not give cause to suspect cheating Cheating can be detected during and after tests are handed in A PDF copy of Temple University s Student Code of Conduct is available on Blackboard under Course Documents Privacy Concerns In order to protect your privacy and at the same time allow us to publicly post results of exams and quizzes you will be identified in this course by a six digit number This will comprise the last six digits of the ID number assigned to you by the University Your grade and any matter regarding your grade performance in the class will not be discussed via telephone and or electronic media e g Emails These matters will only be discussed on a one to one basis during office hours or by appointments Disability Persons with disabilities are entitled to reasonable accommodations and academic adjustments under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Student seeking additional information should contact Disability Resources Services 100 Ritter Annex 215 204 1280 Services include note transcription large print media alternative testing environments etc Students utilizing DRS services must submit the blue alternative testing form to their instructor two weeks prior to the exam quiz date Only students with proper DRS paperwork may utilize alternative procedures Withdrawals TU Policy 02 10 14 http www temple edu bulletin policies policies part5 htm withdrawal During the first two weeks of the fall or spring semester or summer sessions students may withdraw from a course with no record of the class appearing on the transcript In weeks three through nine of the fall or spring semester or during weeks three and four of summer sessions the student may withdraw with advisor s permission there is no need to seek out an instructor s signature The course will be recorded on the transcript with the notation of W indicating that the student withdrew After week nine of the fall or spring semester or week four of summer sessions students may not withdraw from courses and will receive a letter grade A student may withdraw from no more than five courses during the duration of his her studies to earn a bachelor s degree A student may not withdraw from the same course more than once Incomplete Contracts TU Policy 02 10 13 http www temple edu bulletin policies policies part3 htm incomp coursework The grade of incomplete I is an institutional procedure and must be completed in its entirety with the coordinator in conjunction with the lecture instructor Failure to notify the coordinator who reports all grades to the University may result in a grade of F being reported An I Incomplete may be filed 1 only if the student has completed the majority of the work for the course at a passing level 2 only if the student s work for the course was not completed for reasons beyond the student s control 3 and only once a signed written agreement with the

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TEMPLE CHEM 1011 - Syllabus

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