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CSCI 180 Spring 2006 Data Structures Michael H Goldwasser Saint Louis University Handout Exam2 Info Monday 28 March 2006 Midterm 2 Information The second midterm will be on Friday 7 Apr 2006 from 1 10 2 00 p m The exam will primarily cover lectures from Monday 20 Feb 2006 through Friday 31 Mar 2006 as well as the associated readings and assignments for those topics please see the class schedule for exact coverage This exam is closed book and no calculating devices of any type will be allowed You are allowed however to prepare in advance the back of this page with whatever notes you wish to place on it and you may use this page during the exam When the exam is over staple this sheet to the rest of your exam Furthermore we will provide you with fresh copies of the second and third page of this handout for your use on the day of the exam Therefore when preparing your notes on the back of this page you need not worry about including material from the second page 2 CSCI 180 Spring 2006 Handout Exam2 Info ListADT template typename Object class List public class Position public Object element const throw InvalidPositionException bool isNull const int size const bool isEmpty const Position first const throw EmptyContainerException Position last const throw EmptyContainerException bool isFirst const Position p const throw InvalidPositionException bool isLast const Position p const throw InvalidPositionException Position before const Position p const throw BoundaryViolationException InvalidPositionException Position after const Position p const throw BoundaryViolationException InvalidPositionException Position insertFirst const Object element Position insertLast const Object element Position insertBefore const Position p const Object element throw InvalidPositionException Position insertAfter const Position p const Object element throw InvalidPositionException void remove const Position p throw InvalidPositionException void replaceElement const Position p const Object element throw InvalidPositionException void replaceElement const Position p const Position q throw InvalidPositionException CSCI 180 Spring 2006 Handout Exam2 Info VectorADT template typename Object class Vector public int size const bool isEmpty const Object elemAtRank int r const void replaceAtRank int r const Object e void removeAtRank int r void insertAtRank int r const Object e SequenceADT template typename Object class Sequence public List Object public Vector Object public Position atRank int rank const throw BoundaryViolationException int rankOf Position position const throw InvalidPositionException 3

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