Physics 231 non calculus introductory physics PHY 231 home http www nscl msu edu zegers phy231 html Remco Zegers zegers nscl msu edu Walk in 3 00 4 00 Thurday 1248 BPS helproom Or by appointment PHY 231 Lectures Notes o 9 10 10 00 am Mon Wed Fri section 002 o Lecture notes are available before the lecture without solutions to problems and after the lecture with solution o Notes in PDF format o practice problems also available o Overview equation sheet is available this is NOT the equation sheet for exams PHY 231 Helproom o TA s will man the help room BPS 1248 o Schedule to be announced soon o Use the helproom to work together PHY 231 Homework o LON CAPA on line homework system o Assignments are somewhat unique to each student o Starts in the second week o Due on Fridays 6 pm PHY 231 Grading Grade 4 92 3 5 84 92 3 0 76 84 2 5 Type Max Midterms 2 20 each Final 40 points 68 76 Homework 20 points 2 0 60 68 Clicker quizzes 5 extra credit 1 5 52 60 Total 105 1 0 44 52 oQuiz points based on 75 of maximum quiz scores oHomework points based on 90 of the maximum homework score PHY 231 o make up for midterms only with permission and for appropriate reasons As a rule make ups are given before the regular exam times o in class quizzes o quiz points 2 if answer correct 1 if answer incorrect o make sure to be on time quizzes are often at the beginning of class PHY 231 midterm exams o Exams are closed book o You can bring your own equation sheets o midterm 2 double sided letter size sheet o final 3 double sided letter size sheets keep the ones from the midterms PHY 231 textbook oSerway and Vuille Volume I oDon t buy Volume II textbook will change for PHY232 oEarlier editions Serway and Faughn 6 7 MSU edition also ok secondhand PHY 231 Quizzes online response o Online response system will be used i clicker o Your clicker ID number must be enrolled via LON CAPA see syllabus for details o Clickers at bookstore use coupon if you buy new textbook First 2 weeks quizzes are not scored Will start with the system asap o Clickers will be used often not only for quizzes So always bring Quizzes are not announced count on at least 1 every lecture o Mostly conceptual but bring your calculator just in case PHY 231 Study suggestions 1 Before doing the homework make a 1 2 page review of the relevant chapter use lecture notes and or textbook 2 The overview should contain key conceptual points basic definitions and equations 3 Use the overview to do the LON CAPA homework Update the overview where necessary e g if you miss info to solve a problem 4 Keep up with the lectures 5 By the time the exams come you ll already have a good overview that you can us to study more 6 Revisit some of the most difficult LON CAPA problems and practice more review lecture textbook etc PHY 231 continued oWhen you feel you understand the material well make your equation sheet oUse the equation sheet to practice old exams Update sheet where necessary oRevise and Continue practicing most problematic areas oIf you tend to make many small mistakes unit conversions units math make space on your equation sheet for those PHY 231 DON T o use LON CAPA postings by others before you have given a problem a genuine try yourself first If you have to look very often for what others do to solve the homework it means you do not understand the material well o try to memorize LON CAPA problems it is unlikely you will get many problems in exams that are exactly like the homework o base your whole studies on LON CAPA Bring variation in your studies and practice questions that are not phrased like lon capa o wait until the last weeks of the semester to ask for help if you don t do well but work hard o cheat in exams quizzes use only your own clicker PHY 231 DO o read the syllabus o go to the helproom if you get stuck o go to the helproom for questions other than the homework o work together but remember that in exams you are on your own o ask me for help if you work hard and still do not perform well on the exams the earlier the better o ask any question you like the only stupid question is the question you do not ask o call me Remco instead of Dr Prof Zegers PHY 231 finally oTo contact me use email or talk to me after class only use phone in emergencies oTo avoid having your email end up in my spam folder o Use your msu email not yahoo gmail etc etc o Use an identifying subject for email PHY 231
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