T343 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Current Lecture I Knock Your Socks Off Selling II Selling Tips III Superbowl commercials Current Lecture I Knock Your Socks Off Selling a It is important to have an annual sales check up on your skill set b Must evaluate yourself on each rule and give yourself a 1 5 II Selling Tips a Develop and maintain a positive attitude b Believe in yourself first i Be confident c Set and achieve goals i Must make a plan d Use your car as a learning center i Time driving is time that can we well spent listening to sales tapes and attitude building podcasts e VISUALIZE i The sale taking place ii Makes you more confident f Qualify the buyer These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Make them answer yes questions g Sell to help i Not for commission h Believe in your company and product III Superbowl commercials a Budweiser Puppy Love i Almost a half million views on Youtube ii http www youtube com watch v uQB7QRyF4p4 b Stephen Colbert Pistachios i http www youtube com watch v x0bxPbdLMyA c Superbowl commercials cost multimillion dollars d The Superbowl reaches a wide range of audience that is why a time slot is so valuable for advertising
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