UB UGC 111 - UGC 111 Notes Quiz 4 for David Buell

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Quiz 4 UGC 111 Notes Lecture 19 Early China pt 1 Different ecosystems ex Yellow River and Yangzi River Yellow River floods a lot Yangzi River warmer and wetter and good for rice cultivation Neolithic China 7500 1500 BC Agriculture earlier ca 10 000 BC Many villages proliferating Millet Yellow River north small seeded grasses Rice Yangzi River south Cattle water buffalos as food sources Silk Silk technology from worms Many different cultural groups Jade objects pottery vessels Shang Dynasty 1500 1050 BC Bronze Age culture in the times of Miconeans Hitites etc Yellow River Capital Anyang Thriving city complete with city core Included palaces and temples Suburbs concerned with industry stone working workshops bone working workshops Farmers tended their fields Houses of most people built partially underground to preserve warmth Lavish buildings made by close packed dirt for foundation different building technology from other groups which used stone They used earth and wood to build Tomb of Lady Hao Ca 1200 BC Underground tomb Wu Ding a Shang king Lady Hao is Wu Ding s wife Lavish burial remains 500 bronze objects 700 jade ivory ornaments and remains of 16 sacrificed individuals Sacrificial victims Shows that women has status during this period Shang Kings Military chieftains These kings love to fight hunt Led armies Tens of thousands of men sent to fight tribes etc War spoils revenue King consistently went to battle for these spoils Slaves Slaves were sacrificed to please the God Weapons Bows bronze tipped spear halberd spear combined with battle axe chariots Chariots with a mobile platform used by warriors aristocracy Shang Religion Di Supreme God Ancestors People thought these ancestors were intermediaries with the God Divination oracle bones Shoulder scapula these bones were put in fire Resulting bone cracks were thought as messages from God King in charge of communicating between God and the people Shang Society Patrilineal Society through the male line King political religious and military head Nobles Artisans Farmers Serfs Farmers given parts of land to produce food and portion of food were given to aristocracy in return for keeping the land Slaves Masters in bronze technology Weapons Ritual vessels cauldrons steamers cups etc highly decorated with all sorts of animals birds Birds may be seen as intermediaries messenger from heaven Shang Writing 1200 BC Logographic words symbols Symbols could be combined Still used oldest continuously used script Rapid communication Zhou Dynasty 1050 400 BC Intensive warfare eventually leading to period of warring state Book of Documents These texts show how the Zhou kings rose over Shang kings Zhou Kings sacrificed to ancestors and to heaven These kings believe that they have a close relationship with heaven Mandate of Heaven Zhou kings believe that heaven grant them to rule Shang kings were portrayed as greedy and cruel so heaven destined Zhou kings to rule divine and kingship Decentralized government Provinces little states Rulers and officials in these provinces One of these states will eventually try to overthrow the king and fight with each other Conflict 771 BC Zhou king killed Center of power Zhou king possessed becomes smaller and his position becomes weaker Diminishment of overriding central authority Social Hierarchy King Mandate of Heaven Rulers of states dukes and marquis Aristocrats shi Served in military political offices officers Serfs farmers craftsmen and traders Land owned by aristocratic class and serfs work in small plots of land for production similar to Shang Dynasty Zhou Cities Rapid urbanization 500 BC Planned cities City cores with government buildings religious buildings Took as square shape 3 gates on each side 9 vertical roads intersect with 9 horizontal roads Heavily fortified Earthen walls Outside earthen walls large moats Warfare became an epidemic making this necessary Zhou Bronze and Iron Development and proliferation of iron technology Ritual vessels still made by bronze Iron used more in warfare swords spears halberds etc Iron technology spurs trade Expansion of Trade Coinage Trade was encouraged more trade increase status of individual Each different state made their own coinage knife shaped coins round coins etc Individuals show status with their wealth Confucius philosopher 551 479 BC Civil servant aristocrat who was forced into exile Seek students for teaching Hope to change Chinese values to before Kong Fuzi his real name Virtue through ren humanity altruism benevolence Filial Piety Devotion to one s parents and siblings Propriety good appropriate behavior manners The Government Rulers should possess virtue be kind to subjects Stressed that subjects should be faithful to rulers ruler in a sense as parents people should obey Laozi philosoper 400 BC Daoism Dao Way natural order way of world source of all existence Dao source and root of all things whole natural order People should live in harmony Naturalness One has to identify with Dao and appreciating simplicity Three Treasures compassion moderation and humility Wu Wei action through non action Individuals should not bother with politics to prevent disrupting the natural order Lecture 20 China pt 2 Warring States Period 403 221 C Lots of fighting Qin victorious in 221 BC Warfare brings technological innovation Sun Tzu The Art of War book Crossbow allowed soldiers to shoot further than a light bow Armor and helmets Cavalry if you want to win war need big population bigger army Agriculture Chinese people learned from nomadic people Dig canals irrigate more extensively This will increase population thus increasing population of army Chinese Dynasties Qin Dynasty Han Dynasty Sui Dynasty Tang Dynasty Song Dynasty Legalism Rigorous laws and procedures Government should establish effective laws and procedures Confucius stressed relationship between ruler and subjects Legalism is different It stresses two handles chastisement death punishment and commendation reward The Qin Dynasty 221 206 BC King First Emperor All nobles to capital Broke up the centralized political system to keep an eye on nobles to ensure they don t rise Central government Officials replaced every year under emperor s discretion Qin Emperor directly ruled from capital Abolishes aristocratic class to prevent uprising Arms outlawed all arms abolished to prevent uprising Census Encouraged farmers to work hard improve land and allow them to buy sell land Individuals allowed to own farms and to

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