UB UGC 111 - UGC 111 Notes Quiz 3 for David Buell

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Quiz 3 UGC 111 Notes Lecture 14 Rome Early Christianity and the Byzantine Empire Announcement and Reminders Thesis topics due in class orally this week Bonus assignment up on UB Learns Due next week in recitation 5 marks to your final grade 1 Paragraph detailing recent findings in England finding of King Richard s bones The Roman Empire Empire 27 BC AD 284 Pax Romana Peace of Rome Roads built all over empire Divi Filius Son of a god ie Julius Caesar formation of the Imperial Cult Cult became popular became source of unity Worship of spirits Mystery Religions Restricted to initiates Only people initiated in the Mystery Cult can participate Secrecy Emphasis on one diety These people recognize the existence of other deities and one particular deity of their own Promise of an afterlife for all initiates Joy and reward in afterlife C f neutral afterlife Jesus of Nazareth 7 BC 30 or 36 AD Raised in Galilee Stronghold for group of people named Zealots Zealots Jews who opposed against Roman rule Fought using tactics against Rome Disciples People who followed Jesus Jesus told stories stretched devotion to God etc to them Disciples spread these stories Gospels New Testament Messiah and eternal life Preached for a pleasant life after death People seen Jesus as Messiah savior who destroyed the legions and promote peace for the Jews In attempt to rid of crowd Jesus was crucified Resurrection of Jesus represents Christianity faith Pontius Pilats Remains of an early House Church Dura Europos ca 2nd century AD House church group of individuals get together in these house churches and worship St Paul 5 67 AD An Apostle Responsible of spreading the teachings of Jesus Many writings in the New Testament attributed to him Taught Jesus was Messiah and that he was the son of God Open to gentiles those who were not Jews Open Christianity to more people of all social classes rich poor women slaves Teachings proliferated across the Roman empire Women had a place Letters missionary activities and writings Roman roads Mystery Religions vs Christianity Emphasis on one diety Life after death Mystery Religion promise of good life after death only to Initiates Christianity promise of good life after death for everyone Inclusive Christianity vs Exclusive Mystery Religions Popularity of Christianity Equality all social classes Promise of a good afterlife Forgiveness Provided a goal Built community Christianity a Threat to the Empire Vs State Religion Gods would help the Romans more Gods better turnout But Christianity only focuses on one God excludes other Gods that helps problem Vs Imperial Cult Christians stopped giving dues to Romans Disrespectful and problematic towards Roman Empire Misinterpretations Last Supper metaphor of drinking and eating Jesus s body and blood Spread across empire and gives the Christians a bad name Congregation bad Disliked people who got together Romans thought these individuals were to promote the downfall of the Roman Empire plotting against Rome Scapegoats of problems in the Empire Problems in the 3rd Century AD Civil war Crumbling of Pax Romana One empire rising and then challenged by another civil war Political economic social instability Poor leadership Invasions from the north Germany barbarians Problems result of the Gods not being on sides of the Romans anymore Diocletian 244 311 AD He renewed persecution Reorganization of empire Eastern and Western Empires 2 augustus 2 caesars Tetrarchy 4 man rule The Battle of the Milvian Bridge 312 AD Emperors Constantine vs Maxentius Constantine ruled the northern part of the empire and then decides to rule the Western Empire Came into conflict with Maxentius Constantine sees the Christian god aiding him in the conflict with Maxentius Became ruler of both Eastern and Western Empire Constantinople Capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and later the Byzantine Empire Built over the ruins of a Greek colony called Byzantines Communication between Mediterranean and the Black Sea Constantine built lavished buildings baths entertainment etc 330 1453 AD Constantine the Great Emperor 306 to 337 AD Milvian Bridge 312 AD Edict of Milan 313 AD It is an edict that stresses toleration of Christians Christians were no longer persecuted at this point Council of Nicaea 325 AD Christian Constantine built churches promoted Christians to higher positions in the office Slowly became a popular religion Retains the title of the head priest Council of Nicaea 325 AD Arius denied that Christ was divine and co eternal with God Jesus less than or inferior to God Nicaea Jesus was equal to the Father one with the Father and of the same substance Church united Theodosius I 379 392 BC Roman emperor Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire Canon law church law Persecution of pagans Bans Olympic games Last person to rule the Roman Empire before it splits Lecture 15 Early Islam Review Jesus Judaea St Paul Persecution Roman religion Imperial cult misinterpretation scapegoat ism Diocletian Western and Eastern Roman Empire Constantine Council of Nicaea helps to unify the church Constantinople Theodosius I first emperor to make Christianity the official religion in the Roman world Byzantine Empire western empire fall through successful people eastern empire Byzantine Empire rises Arabian Peninsula Coast and oases urban Coast towns as merchant cities Oases on the desert Mecca Becomes economic power Pilgrims made journey to Mecca to visit Ka ba pilgrimages to Mecca Ka ba It is the dwelling place for Gods Becomes a holy place for Muslims thought it was built by Abraham Interior Bedouins nomads Nomadic people living in the interior Moved from places to places and raising cattle Trade route lines of communication Tribal society nomadic and sedentary members Warrior elite in the north male warriors Religion officials in the south Fairly diverse tribes some living in city others were nomadic Numerous tribes ally in confederations Unifying these tribes Muhammad Patriarchal and Patrilineal Muhammad 570 631 AD Orphaned brought up by his uncle Became a merchant interested in trade route crossing desert Goes to hills of Mecca in order to contemplate and pray Have been told that God s messenger visited Muhammad Khadija Gabriel and Muhammad Gabriel angel demanded Muhammad to preach the messages God is sending to him Revelations Forms basis of the Qu ran The Qu ran Islam submission to God Through time Muhammad attracted more followers small group at first Persecuted by the

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UB UGC 111 - UGC 111 Notes Quiz 3 for David Buell

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