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1 ASSE M B L I ES O F G O D T H E O L O G I C A L SE M IN A R Y PCP 550 Interpersonal Techniques in Helping Relationships Monday 2:00-4:45 PM Melody Palm, Psy.D. Spring 2012 Office phone 268-1071 e-mail [email protected] C O URSE SY L L A BUS ³«<RX FDQ VWULYH RQ \RXU RZQ <RX FDQ JURZ VWURQJ RQ \RXU RZQ <RX FDQ HYHQ SUHYDLO RQ RXU RZQ %XW \RX FDQQRW EHFRPH KXPDQ RQ \RXU RZQ ³ --Frederick Beuchner C O URSE D ESC RIPT I O N This course is designed to be a study of interpersonal techniques in the counseling or therapy relationship. This is a helping relationship and therapy techniques class designed for professional counselors, chaplains, clergy and other mental health professionals. Personal cognitive-emotional awareness and theological-psychological balance will also be promoted through the study of individual functioning in interpersonal relationships. O BJE C T I V ES The student will: 1. Identify terminology and techniques used in the key schools of therapy. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the helping process from exploration to awareness and then onto action.  ([SODLQ WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI WKH WKHUDSLVW¶V DZDUHQHVV RI WKH self as an enhancement to the art of counseling. 4. Analyze his/her own blind spots and biases that may negatively affect the counseling outcomes. 5. Formulate a personal therapy style. 6. Integrate new therapy skills and techniques into their skills repertoire. R E Q U IR E D T E X T B O O KS: Hill, C. (2009) Helping Skills: Facilitating Exploration, Insight, and Action. American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. ¾ ISBN 1-4338-0451-4 (List Price $59.95) Manning, B. (1990) The Ragamuffin Gospel: Embracing the Unconditional Love of God. Multnomah, Publishers, Inc. Sisters, Oregon.PCP 550 Interpersonal Techniques in Helping Relationships 2 Melody Palm, Psy. D. ¾ ISBN 978-1-59052-502-9 (List price $13.95) Small, J. (1990) Becoming Naturally Therapeutic: A Return to the True Essence of Helping. New York, Bantam Books. ¾ ISBN 0-553-34800-0 (List price $13.95) Note: Recommended and required readings reflect a diversity of disciplines and perspectives. Professor does not expect students to necessarily agree with nor embrace the perspectives of all authors. Professor does reserve the right to expect graduate students to expose themselves to a variety of readings: devotional, scholarly, and practical/professional. Critical discussion of material in class is always welcomed. B ASI C C O U RSE O U T L I N E: 1. Course Lectures and Assignments 2. Midterm Exam 3. Completion of Assigned Role Plays 4. Research Papers 5. Reflective Reading Reports 6. Final Exam M E T H O D O L O G Y : The class will be conducted in a combination of lecture, group learning seminar, and counseling laboratory utilizing a participant-learner method, and multimedia presentations, including videos and power points. E X PE C T A T I O NS: 1. Due to the nature of this course, consistent attendance is essential. Unexcused absences will influence the course grade. Course work is due at the assigned time. Work turned in late will be accepted but will be deducted regardless of circumstances. 2. $OO ZULWWHQ ZRUN LV H[SHFWHG WR EH PDVWHU¶V OHYHO TXDOLW\ Be sure your papers are well-written and proofread. Double space all work, use 12 point Times New Roman font, left margin justified only. Poor spelling and grammar reflect a lack of reflection and student UHVSHFW IRU RQH¶V RZQ ZRUN DV ZHOO DV WKH SURIHVVRU 3DSHUV ZLOO EH H[SHFWHG WR EH WKH original work of the student and to be properly documented. Adherence to APA or Turabian style is required. 3. Participation by everyone is expected. During this course, you will be invited to self-examine and self-disclose. The goal is that our learning should not be compartmentalized in the intellectual corner of our lives. We will attempt to establish a collaborative environment in which you will be invited to share openly with your peers from your own experience and your own developing theoretical perspectives. The efficacy of this learning experience, therefore, will directly depend upon your honesty, openness and respect for your peers.PCP 550 Interpersonal Techniques in Helping Relationships 3 Melody Palm, Psy. D. 4. Academic integrity. Any form of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism will not be tolerated. C O URSE R E Q UI R E M E N TS: Assignment 1: Active Participation - Each student will be expected to read assigned texts and articles prior to the class period they will be covered. Instructor reserves the right to assign homework from the text, with the expectation that assignments will be completed before the following class. Completion of these assignments and active participation in class discussions is expected. Points will be assigned each day the required reading is met. Class will gradually transition toward active involvement in techniques learned via lecture, video, and reading assignments. Assignment 2: Midterm E xam - A midterm exam will cover the lecture materials, reading materials, handouts, and videos. Assignment 3: Student is to read and write a Reflective Reading Report for the text, Naturally Therapeutic. Prepare a one SDJH ³5HIOHFWLYH 5HDGLQJ 5HSRUW´ 7KH SXUSRVH LV QRW WR EH D FULWLFDO ERRN UHYLHZ RU VXPPDU\ RI WKH ERRN¶V PDLQ SRLQWV EXW WR HYDOXDWH WKH ERRN¶V FRQWULEXWLRQ WR \RXU life. The reading is intended to DVVHVV RQH¶V RZQ VW\OH of interaction with others and provide a pathway to deeper self-awareness and reflection. You should write autobiographically by including specific experiences or areas of your life in your reflections. Reading reflections should include the following: ¾ State what percentage of book you have read ¾ ,GHQWLI\ WKH DXWKRU¶V WKHVLV RU SXUSRVH IRU ZULWLQJ LQ RQH VXFFLQFW VWDWHPHQW ¾ Discuss one specific insight from the book that was most significant or helpful for you personally, and why. Assignment 4: Student is to read and write a Reflective Reading Report for the text, The Ragamuffin Gospel: Embracing the Unconditional Love of God. Prepare a one SDJH ³5HIOHFWLYH 5HDGLQJ 5HSRUW´ 7KH SXUSRVH LV QRW WR EH D FULWLFDO ERRN UHYLHZ RU VXPPDU\ RI WKH ERRN¶V PDLQ SRLQWV EXW WR HYDOXDWH WKH ERRN¶V FRQWULEXWLRQ WR \RXU OLIH and theological worldview. You

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