AAMU FED 529 - Issues in Implementing Technology in Schools

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Teaching and Learning with Technology Issues in Implementing Technology in Schools Chapter 12 Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Strategic Planning Long range planning that takes into account all aspects of decision making Necessary to make wise and cost effective technology decisions Steps include Description of the setting in which plan will be implemented SWOT Analysis to determine Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats affecting the institution making the plan Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Strategic Planning Steps include Mission statement that describes the purpose of the institution and the plan Goals that set the intended overall directions that are desired to be achieved by the plan Objectives with Criteria that articulate specific outcomes that will achieve the goals and the criteria that will be used to measure outcomes Strategies that describe what activities will be engaged in to achieve objectives Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Strategic Planning Steps include Evaluation plan describes how the strategies will be assessed to ensure they have achieved the stated criteria Dissemination describes how the plan will be shared with all stakeholders Planning teams include representatives from all interested parties Planning teams create the plan oversee its implementation and disseminate outcomes Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Strategic Planning Once a strategic plan for technology is created disseminated and approved the planning team begins implementation An Action Plan is drawn up that describes each action necessary for implementing the strategic plan Usually organized chronologically the Action Plan includes acquisitions installations training etc for all aspects of technology Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Strategic Planning Teachers are one of the primary stakeholders in educational technology Therefore teachers have a critical role in the strategic planning process Teachers on planning teams need to stay aware of current and emerging technologies Issues relating to using technology in classrooms Social legal and ethical issues in the Digital Age Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Legal Issues Copyright and Fair Use Copyright protects the interest of the individual who created intellectual property such as writings graphics photos music etc Fair Use Guidelines determine when a teacher can legally use copyrighted material Fair Use limitations are specific and teachers must follow them to avoid violation of copyright laws Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Legal Issues Copyright and Fair Use Violating copyright can result in legal action against the teacher school and or district Teachers have a responsibility to understand copyright laws and follow them Good copyright resources in schools include Media specialist School administrators Published district guidelines Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Legal Issues Copyright and Fair Use When in doubt don t use the materials or ask for permission to use them To ask permission Look for contact information on the work or web site Write or email the contact and explain exactly how the materials will be used for how long and why If you ask for permission do not use the materials unless you have the ok in writing Keep all permissions on file Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Legal Issues Privacy Children have a right to privacy Information about a child cannot be shared without parental permission Teachers should take steps to ensure privacy by Getting parental permission before putting student work or pictures on a class web site Protecting children s information including name age grade etc Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Legal Issues Privacy Teachers should take steps to ensure privacy by Guarding access to a computer to which the teacher is logged on Avoiding storing sensitive files on an unprotected computer Encouraging that every child use his her disk to store work rather than on accessible hard drives Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Legal Issues Acceptable Use Teachers must ensure appropriate use of technology in their classrooms Districts have acceptable use policies that define appropriate uses of school computers Teachers ensure acceptable use by Reviewing AUPs with your students Asking students and parents to sign an AUP Monitoring Internet use and sites visited Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Legal Issues Software Piracy Copying or installing software on multiple machines may be illegal Unless a site license allows software can be installed on only one machine in a classroom Network administrators are often charged with the responsibility to monitor licensing on both the network and any machines attached to the network Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Legal Issues Software Piracy Software piracy is a copyright violation Teachers can discourage piracy by Modeling appropriate behaviors Reviewing district policies with students Refusing to allow students to bring software into their classroom Ensuring all software used in the classroom has original disks and documentation available Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Social Issues The Digital Divide Inequities of access to technology have created technological haves and have nots This gap the digital divide is often related to socio economic status ethnic gender and education levels Teachers can design activities that bridge the gap and reduce technological inequities Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Ethical Issues Freedom of Speech The content of the Internet is not regulated Materials posted may be harmful and dangerous But since the Net is an open forum for free speech should expression be regulated School s responsibility is to Control use and access to what is academically appropriate Ensure student s digital safety Teaching and Learning with Technology Allyn and Bacon 2002 Ethical Issues Privacy What is the appropriate balance between privacy and monitoring of activity When is it OK to monitor where people go and what they do on the Internet School s responsibility is to Ensure student s safety Publish and enforce AUPs by monitoring activity of all working on a school s

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AAMU FED 529 - Issues in Implementing Technology in Schools

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