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EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Physical Education Department PED 4340 Exercise Physiology Summer 2007 Instructor Jake Emmett Ph D Office Hours M R 10 30 11 30 or by appointment Office 1037 Lantz Building Phone 581 7113 Email jemmett eiu edu Web www ux1 eiu edu jemmett Course Description This course is designed to provide an in depth study of various human physiological systems as they respond to acute and chronic bouts of exercise and how certain environmental and nutritional conditions affect such responses Objectives To develop critical thinking as it applies to exercise physiology To understand physiological changes during acute and chronic exercise To identify relationships between various physiological systems during exercise To identify how exercise physiology relates to teaching coaching therapy and rehabilitation settings Course Content 1 Neuromuscular A Muscular Control B Neurological Control C Neuromuscular Adaptations 2 Energy for Movement A Bioenergetics I B Bioenergetics II C Exercise Metabolism 3 Optimizing Performance in Sport A Exercise Nutrition C Optimal Body Weight for Performance 4 Cardiorespiratory Function A Cardiovascular Control I B Cardiovascular Control II C Cardiorespiratory Adaptations Text Exercise Physiology by Powers and Hawley 5th Ed Evaluation A 90 of total points B 80 89 of total points C 70 79 of total points D 60 69 of total points F 60 of total points Points 1 Quizzes 10 points Quizzes will be given midway through each section for a total of 4 quizzes Quizzes will be post on the web site and WebCT They can be completed and emailed or turned in to the instructor Quizzes can not be made up without an official excuses 2 Exams 50 points and Final Exam 100 pts All exams have short answer questions with 25 questions except for the final An exam will be given following each section for a total of three exams The final exam will be comprehensive one half and cover the fourth and final section second half It will be given on July 20th at 9 30 a m No make up exams will be given without an official university excuse provided The final exam will not be given early Tentative Schedule Muscle control Muscle function Neuromuscular adaptations Exam Bioenergetics 1 and 2 Exercise Metabolism Exam Nutrition Body Composition Exam Cardiovascular System Cardiorespiratory Adaptations Pulmonary Sytem Final Exam June 20 June 29 July 9 July 20 Course Philosophy This is a junior senior level college course and student and students will be held to appropriate expectations This includes writing and thinking skills This is not a memorization course This is a critical thinking and application course which requires the ability to explain why and how Doing well in this class requires daily review of material and asking questions Don t wait until the night before the exam to begin studying Most if not all of the material on the exams will be covered in class Students are expected to attend class and be prepared to participate Presentations are provided on the web site but they should not take the place of note taking No extra credit Your grade should reflect your knowledge level in exercise physiology You get what you earn

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