Berkeley COMPSCI 161 - CS 161 Midterm Review

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Midterm Review I Crypto Dawn Song dawnsong cs berkeley edu 1 Formal Advanced Crypto This class is a quick intro Interested in further study Crypto class Formal definitions proofs Advanced algorithms protocols Class midterm will be self contained 2 Basic Background Probability calculation as seen in hw E g Birthday paradox Basic algebric calculation as seen in hw 3 Attacker s Mindset A lot of security training is about attacker mindset Given a design e g protocol find attacks Important for designing secure systems 4 Security Design Evaluation Security goals CIA confidentiality integrity availability Threat model Assumptions about attacker Security analysis 5 Symmetric key Encryption What security goal does it achieve Confidentiality Threat model Known ciphertext attack Known plaintext attack Chosen plaintext attack CPA Chosen ciphertext attack CCA One time pad How does it work What security property does it achieve Attacker without computation limitation Requirement for security Key is same length as message Cannot reuse key 6 Ciphers Stream cipher How does it work What s the difference btw stream cipher one time pad Stream cipher is secure assuming attacker is polynomial time bounded Block cipher Modes of operation How does each mode work Disadvantage of ECB Same plaintext always encrypt to same ciphertext Security requirements for CBC OFB CTR Cannot reuse IV 7 Asymmetric key Crypto Advantages over symmetric key crypto Disadvntages over symmetric key crypto Performance overhead Additional requirements PKI RSA How does it work Why is textbook RSA not a secure encryption scheme Deterministic short plaintext attack 8 Hash Function Security properties Preimage resistance 2nd preimage resistance Collision resistance What do they mean and when to use which one 9 Message Authentication Code MAC Security property Unforgeability What does it mean What security goal does it achieve Integrity 10 Digital Signature Security property Unforgeability What security goal does it achieve Data integrity non repudiation How to compare MAC with Digital Signature Additional requirements PKI RSA signature scheme 11 Authentication Key Distribution Attacks on security protocols Active attacker model Should be able to spot simple attacks like in NeedhamSchroeder Diffie Hellman key agreement What s man in the middle attack Password authentication protocol What s a dictionary attack Given a protocol should be able to tell if it is vulnerable to dictionary attack Do not need to know how each protocol works in detail 12 Random Number Generation Two steps TRNG true random number generator What sources are good and what sources are bad PRNG cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator Important for many security applications Generating IV keys etc 13 Secret Sharing Definition of n n and n t threshold scheme How do they work Should be able to solve problems like in hw Zero knowledge proof Out of scope 14

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Berkeley COMPSCI 161 - CS 161 Midterm Review

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