Pitt PSY 0505 - Methodology
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BIOPSYCH 0505 Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Monoamine A Cataccholamine B Indolamines 1 Serotonin synthesis C Monoamine Oxidase D Anti depressant drugs called MAO inhibitors results in more serotonin and norepinephrine II Synaptic Pharmacology A Agonistic mechanisms B Antagonistic mechanisms C Autoreceptor Outline of Current Lecture I Methodology brain visualization A Contrast x rays B Cerebral angiography more for structure of the brain C Computed Tomography CT D Positron emission tomography PET E Magnetic resonance imaging MRI F Functional MRI II Psychological activity A Electroencephalography EEG B Electromyogram EMG C Electrooculogram EOG III Invasive physiological methods A Stereotaxic surgery B Lesion methods C Electrical stimulation Current Lecture I Methodology brain visualization These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1nd A Contrast x rays 1 Photographing the brain through injecting chemical that absorbs x rays less or more than surrounding the tissue to look for damage or structural changes 2 Not very detail oriented 3 Ex used for aneurisms or strokes B Cerebral angiography more for structure of the brain C Computed Tomography CT 1 Computer assisted x ray procedure 2 Provides a 3 D representation of the brain 3 Used for looking for tumors D Positron emission tomography PET 1 Provides images of brain activity 2 Images of levels of radioactivity in various parts of one horizontal level of the brain 3 Radiolabeled substance 2 deoxyglucose is administered prior to scan 4 Astrocytes with absorb the 2 deoxyglucose and is passed on to neurons because it cannot be absorbed 5 The colors show levels of absorption red shows high levels and blue shows low levels 6 Focuses less on structure and more on the neurological problems such as response to stimulus how well the parts of the brain are functioning E Magnetic resonance imaging MRI 1 High resolution images of structures 2 Constructed from measurement of waves that hydrogen atoms emit when activated within a magnetic field 3 Favored over the PET scan because of the higher resolution 4 The hydrogen atoms in the body send off waves but don t show the functions F Functional MRI 1 Scan which allows for the visualization of activity or function and structure of the brain 2 Uses a strong magnetic field 3 Structure is imaged using waves emitted by hydrogen ions 4 Function is imaged using signals created from the interaction between oxygen and iron in the blood II Psychological activity A Electroencephalography EEG 1 Measure of gross electrical activity of the brain 2 Serious of electrodes attached to the scalp to find general activity B C III A B C 3 Shifts and changes related to action potentials 4 Used in sleep studies and for diagnosing epilepsy Electromyogram EMG 1 Indicates the tension of muscles under the skin 2 Electromyography is technique of measuring the electrical activity of muscles 3 Will get a raw signal when the muscle contracts and records the action potentials 4 Integrates the raw data and looks for shifts and changes Electrooculogram EOG 1 Indicates changes in electrical potential between the front and back of the eyeball 2 Electrooculography is technique of recording eye movements especially during REM sleep 3 Eye movement during REM sleep indicates dreaming Invasive physiological methods Stereotaxic surgery 1 Requires use of stereotaxic atlas and instrument Lesion methods 1 Bilateral and unilateral same place on left and right side of the brain lesions can be made 2 Procedure requires careful interpretation of effects a Aspiration lesions done of surface of the brain on the outer cortex such as the primary and sensory cortex b Radio frequency lesions for getting to deeper parts of the brain as heat burns the neurons in the brain c Knife cuts destroys tracks or pathways d Cryogenic blockade reversible Electrical stimulation 1 Used to activate a structure 2 Stimulation of a structure may have an effect opposite to that seen when structure is lesioned

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Pitt PSY 0505 - Methodology

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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