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9 14 Selected Qs based on lectures 1 How do we define and recognize specific cell groups in the CNS What are the types of methods called 2 How do we know about connections between cell groups e g what methods are required Give examples 3 Three different basic types of multipurpose actions movement patterns by all vertebrates were described in class Give one example of each for any animal that you are familiar with 4 Define the following terms a notochord b primary sensory neuron c secondary sensory neuron d interneuron e motor neuron f dermatome g the sulcus limitans h the basal plate i the alar plate j the ventral roots k propriospinal axons 5 Amphioxus the primitive protochordate has visual inputs These inputs enter what division of the CNS In mammals is this the same or different 6 Give an example of a sensory function that has led to great expansions of specific parts of the hindbrain in certain species of fish Also describe the function 7 In comparisons of different species the midbrain shows much quantitative variation Select two species where it is different and describe the main differences 8 In chordate evolution what sensory input or inputs led to the early perhaps the earliest expansion of the endbrain What was a major factor that led to a later expansion of the endbrain in chordates For the second question there is more than one possible answer 9 A great expansion of the neocortex in mammals was correlated with expansion of other brain structures as well Name or describe two specific non endbrain structures that showed such expansion in evolution 10 Motor neurons that innervate striated muscles are located in the spinal cord and in which brain subdivisions 11 Contrast spinoreticular and spinothalamic tracts 12 What is spinal shock How is it an example of diaschisis Explain the meaning of corticospinal diaschisis 13 What are two known mechanisms of recovery from deafferentation depression diaschisis 14 The limbic system can be defined as a group of structures with close connections with what part of the CNS What two sensory pathways project most directly to the limbic system These pathways enter via cranial nerves that enter the forebrain 15 Describe one long axon decussating pathway found in mammals and not in nonmammals Where are the cells of origin where is the decussation and where are the terminations 16 What was Otto Loewi s great discovery 17 What is the neural plate What is its fate in embryogenesis 18 What are neural crest cells During vertebrate development what do these cells become Name two examples 19 Contrast symmetric and asymmetric cell division in the CNS 20 Where are Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes and what is the main function of each of these cell types 21 Where is cerebrospinal fluid made and how does it get both inside and outside the CNS 22 What are the meninges Describe the positions of each of the three meningeal layers 23 How are astrocytes astroglial cells related to the blood vessels in the brain 24 Contrast the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems by naming or describing the locations of the preganglionic motor neurons and the locations of the ganglionic motor neurons for one specific organ or in general Contrast the functions of these two systems in their innervation of one organ 25 What is the enteric nervous system and why is it considered to be a separate system 26 Which primary sensory neurons are in a surface layer of the body in adult mammals 27 Are the animals with the largest brains the most intelligent animals What is at least one other factor that influences brain size 28 Distinguish the terms phylogeny and ontogeny 29 Give three examples of sensory specializations in particular vertebrate species specializations that include expanded representations in the CNS 30 Name or describe the area of the body surface rostral to the dermatomes for the spinal nerves What cranial nerve innervates this region Give the number of the nerve as well as its common name Where are the primary sensory neurons of this nerve Where are the secondary sensory neurons 31 Name three types of channels of conduction for sensory information entering the CNS 32 Why are some mammals more helpless after neocortex ablation than others with long lasting deficiencies in spinal and brainstem reflexes and action patterns 33 The telencephalon or endbrain contains major structures in addition to neocortex What are two of these structures present in all vertebrates Give an example of the functions of each of them 34 Describe a major difference in appearance in a frontal section of the cervical spinal cord and the sacral spinal cord 35 Which part of the brain develops the earliest Think of where the neural tube first closes 36 Explain nuclear translocation as a mechanism of cell migration and give an example of it 37 How is the hindbrain embryologically very similar to the spinal cord 38 Where is the rhombic lip of the hindbrain located What becomes of it in embryogenesis 39 The pons meaning bridge is a prominent structure visible in mammalian brain dissections located on the ventral side of the rostral hindbrain What is a major input of the cells of the pontine gray matter What is the major output 40 At the surface of the midbrain the colliculi or little hills can be seen in a brain dissection The colliculi include the anterior or superior colliculi and the posterior or inferior colliculi With what sensory modalities do we usually associate the superior and the inferior colliculi What are two other sensory systems that connect with the superior colliculi 41 Name two pathways that originate in the midbrain and descend to the spinal cord 42 What is the major distortion of the basic structural layout of the hindbrain that occurs in the development of this part of the brain of humans and other primates 43 The largest bundle of myelinated axons coursing through the human midbrain is the These fibers come from the 44 The mesencephalon diencephalon and telencephalon midbrain tweenbrain and endbrain can each be divided into the same two types of regions namely and 45 Developmental and comparative neuroanatomists refer to two major groups of axons that carry outputs of these two regions of the forebrain These are called the and 46 Name two major sources of axons in each of these two bundles 47 Contrast two major possible purposes in naturally occurring neuronal death 48 Give an example of innervation dependent neuronal death survival 49 What is the basic

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MIT 9 14 - Lecture Notes

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